Views: 109

Comment by Pauline Latchem on November 17, 2016 at 13:30

I was in Amsterdam a few weeks ago and spent a couple of days enjoying cycling round helmet free. 

 In Amsterdam Noord I met this lovely woman, Eugenie, who has taken it on herself to clear a stretch of the canal bank near her home. 

 Eugenie said she does it out of love for her home and for the canal and it gets her out and exercises her body and relaxes her mind. She said she does it twice a week. I told her about our group efforts to keep a section of the river bank clear and saluted a fellow volunteer and nature lover. 

 Eugenie was happy for me to share her photo and story with BPCA and our local group, though she had no Smartphone or email and declined to offer me her address to post a photo to. But if you are ever in Amsterdam take the free ferry Noord and you might come across her! 


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