Atkinson Grimshaw Exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery

I'm a bit biased about Mr Grimshaw - he lived in Leeds where I come from.  But I think you might like him too and a rare opportunity to see his work is being offered by the Guildhall Art Gallery.  He managed, like Whistler, to create a nocturnal, nostalgic loneliness in his paintings.  It might not be to everyone's taste, but I love it and it is a very Victorian reaction to the rise of industry.  In particular, his paintings of Leeds are, for me, very meaningful as I spent my teenage years in many of the areas he reflects.


Is it ok to link to an article I have written about Grimshaw?  If this isn't acceptable please let me know. I know it is little to do with Bounds Green, but then again, we all live in London.  In case you decide to visit the exhibition (I'm going next Wednesday - can't wait) I am hoping my article will make you a fan of Mr Atkinson Grimshaw (such a Northern name!). 

There is also an exhibition at the moment featuring another great Victorian artist - John Martin - and I have an article about him too - but I won't push my luck!   Unless you're interested....







Views: 116

Comment by Richard McKeever on November 4, 2011 at 22:29

Atkinson Grimshaw was a new name to me  - before reading your article - Thank You!

I was interested to read about his working-class background, and his struggle to be accepted as an artist by his family. I was reminded of a play I saw at the National last year - The Pitmen Painters - telling the story of a group of miners from the North East who came together in a Workers Education Association Class to learn about art and begin their own creative work.

How sad that many talented, young, working-class artists must have been discouraged from creating artwork, but how wonderful that some - like Atkinson Grimshaw - persevered and succeded.

Please do share more of your fascinating articles here. Thanks.

Comment by Kathleen Duffy on November 4, 2011 at 22:37

Richard, Thank you so much for your positive comments about Mr Grimshaw!  What a lovely man he was and how wonderful the exhibition which I went to the other day.  I do hope you manage to get to it as well.  They had sixteen children and I think only six survived.  Sad times.  His paintings are wonderful.


I too saw the Pitman Painters and it was a wonderful play.  I hope you don't mind if I link you to an article I wrote about Miners in Art some time ago.  But you might be interested and it's always good to get another reader! Miners in Art.



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