My First Gig with North London Brass - Outlandish, Outrageous, Outdoors!

Last Saturday I played my first public gig with North London Brass!  It was at Parliament Hill Fields Lido where the Outdoor Swimming Society was holding it's annual winter dip in the outdoor pool.   It was a privilege to be present at a great celebration of true British eccentricity.  And that includes the band....

To be frank, I was a bit 'out of my depth' with some of the music.  I've been playing cornet since late August -  but fortunately my bum notes were 'drowned' out by two massive tubas!  The Christmas carols weren't too bad....  The rest of the band sounded wonderful.

The event began with the fancy dress competition (see above) where amongst the outlandish costumes was my favourite, The Holly and the Ivy, (see above for half naked man with ivy painted down his leg) - then two girls who called themselves "Golden Balls" - but the winner was a girl dressed as the Loch Ness Monster - a true original and not spotted since the 1960s!  Couldn't get a pic as we had to start playing!

Then it was time for these brave swimmers to take the plunge!   As the crazy, fun-loving crowd hit the water we played "The Great Escape" followed by various sea shanties and Christmas carols.   

It was a really great event - who-ever invented fingerless gloves deserves a medal.  I'm just glad we didn't have to swim as well - that water looks freezing!

Views: 401

Comment by Lindsey Berthoud on December 9, 2013 at 17:09

Hoorah! Well done Kathleen and what a fantastic event to make your cornet debut at. 

Comment by Kathleen Duffy on December 9, 2013 at 20:58
Aw, thanks Lindsey! It was such good fun! :)

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