Neighbourhoods Connect -can you spare a bit of time?


Looking out for older neighbours in Bowes and Bounds- can you spare a bit of time?

You may have recently read about the Neighbourhoods Connect initiative on this website. One part of this scheme seeks to encourage good neighbouring and has already made a start in the Harringay area with a small group of ‘street pioneers.’ It’s now time to ask the good folk of Bowes Park and Bounds Green to become involved. So, can you spare a bit of time to keep an eye out for an older neighbour?

What does it involve?

Getting involved means giving as much or as little time as you want. This isn't a big volunteer programme although if you wanted to formally volunteer for an organisation like Age UK you could. It's about looking out for each other when and where we can.

Let's take an example. You may have older people in your road who feel isolated or just can't do everything they used to. So getting involved in Neighbourhoods Connect could mean:

  • knocking on their door every now and again to say hi and chat for a couple of minutes.
  • picking up a pint of milk at the shops with your own shopping
  • explaining how to Google
  • passing on some useful telephone numbers to them

and ….. so many other things! You might even help other neighbours to get connected and support them from the sidelines.

The idea is to give a bit of time, when you can- something like ‘5 minute neighbouring.’

And it's not a one way street. Most people find that there is lot of reciprocal activity going on, a lot of learning from each other. ‘My neighbour talks about the Haringey of years gone by, it’s a fascinating history lesson!’

In one area, people are incorporating knocking on older neighbours' doors as part of a jogging routine and in return their older neighbours are acting as their mentor-coaches, keeping them motivated.  Some can take in parcels when their younger neighbours are out at work…. There are so many ways that we can all benefit from just short, simple, helpful tasks! And it’s a really good start to breaking down the isolation and loneliness that are sadly often part of older people’s lives.

There is an online aspect, if you are interested in that.

It also makes sense to help older people make best use of the internet. Many lack confidence rather than not being interested. But in many ways the internet is a tool that could have been invented for the older generation. Everything's possible on the internet, including chatting to your neighbours! Once older people understand the internet, they usually love it, no matter what their age.

So, do you want to find out more?

You can find out more by contacting Ruth Cherrington through this website or by email at - 

or call Ruth on 0208 885 8353


Look forward to hearing!


Ruth Cherrington


Views: 191

Comment by Caroline Wall on March 5, 2011 at 8:52
I have a "balcony neighbour" Rose who was 100 last July and she is a delight to know - think I have more "senior moments" than she does!
Comment by Ruth Cherrington on March 5, 2011 at 15:06

Hi Caroline

that's wonderful! It's good you have this lovely and interesting lady living nearby. She must have some tales to tell. Please pass on my best wishes to her

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