Here is the email we received


Good Evening,


My name is Perry LaFrenais and I am taking over as sergeant for Bowes Ward. I know you already have two very good Ward officers in Chris and Simon and I look forward to working with them and yourselves to address any problems that occur on this ward.


I will hopefully meet you all in person soon but in the mean time if you do have any issues please tell Chris or Simon or contact me directly.


Kind Regards





PS 15YE Perry LaFrenais

C Team West Cluster NPT

Southgate Police Station

25 Chase Side



N14 5BW


0208 345 3846 (external)

x23846 (internal)

Views: 2150

Comment by Alan Sitkin on March 8, 2015 at 12:21

Hi John, I saw what you wrote. Crime is a plague, in Bowes and worldwide. So what to do? I know that the police is aware of the miscreants you describe because we have informed them on multiple occasions, including at CAPE meetings. When we press the police and ask why there aren't more arrests, the answer is usually that the baddies have lookouts and scarper whenever they see the police coming. At which point, I always ask the Serpico question, ie why the Met isn't engaging in more plainclothes operations. 

Will go back - again - to the Met with this ongoing saga. In the mean time, you might want to retract the totally unfair jibe about the Council. Not only have we sent officers on multiple occasions to investigate and prosecute certain premises on Green Lanes, we continue to do so despite the cuts, which are so huge I'm astounded you doubt their reality. Please remember that the perpetrators of crimes are criminals, not the police (or authorities) who try ex post facto to stop them. It's really counter-productive to waste focus by blaming one's allies instead of the people who should be the obvious target of everyone's attention.

Indeed, one of the main problems the Council (and I know it's the same for the police) on all of the occasions where we try to stop baddies is a lack of court-worthy evidence. The UK being, after all, a nation of law, habeas corpus and all that. If you or any other resident have any hard evidence to share, it would be useful. I know that many residents are afraid to be identified as sharing this evidence with the police but they can always pass it on to me. I would be honoured to act as a screen protecting people's anonymity.

Comment by John Mellor on March 8, 2015 at 13:35

I'm not retracting a word.

My comments about "failure and inaction" are confirmed by your contribution. You say both the council and the Police are aware of the issues - yet here we are almost half a year after your local paper front page claiming to "Beat The Baddies" (see below) and the creeps are still on the street.

Your pompous, blustering and defensive reply (Habeus Corpus? come on)  suggests you have sent officials to Green Lanes - and police have attended (but the criminals run away! Seriously? Was it the Keystone Kops?) Yet for the last three nights in plain sight people have been congregating outside Nos 89 and 111 smoking cannabis, spitting street drinking and abusing passers-by. A call to Police 101 number indicates a follow-up in 48hrs , by which time the anti-social weirdos are long gone.

My simple and self-evident point is that despite the so-called multiple actions and your Macho claim to "Beat the Baddies"  NOTHING HAS CHANGED!  As you yourself put it - it remains an "onging saga".

Finally It is really counterproductive to blame the victims who have to endure this ongoing antisocial behaviour in their local streets. I will complain every time I see wrongdoing and alert those who have put themselves in a representative position of responsibility.  Its the job of the police and council enforcement officers to collect evidence - not the victims.

Comment by Alan Sitkin on March 8, 2015 at 20:04

Sorry but it's wrong to accuse anyone of being complacent about the crime on Green Lanes. The fact that it continues does not mean that the Met or the Council have taken their eye off the ball.  It's also wrong to be so aggressive because I recall the problems we constantly face in getting evidence allowing us to prosecute to the level we want to. Please don't call the Met Keystone Kops - our bobbies have a tough job trying to bust the baddies, who it should be remembered are always doing what they can to not be caught. Lastly, rather than gratuitious and fairly nasty insults, why don't you come to our ward forum next Thursday 7.30pm at TAB Church to offer constructive ideas? To repeat something that really shouldn't be forgotten, John, we are on the same side. Let's save our anger for the perpetrators of crime.

Comment by Donald Smith on March 9, 2015 at 12:11

I met with Joanne McCartney Chair of MOPAC at the London Assembly on Saturday 7th March at an Open  meeting of Southgate District Civic Trust to receive a presentation on the work of the London Assembly. Members assembled were informed that Neighbourhood policing  had been reduced to an average of 2 "bobbies" per ward and that the number of uniformed officers were liable to be cut further as a result of proposed budget cuts by George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer. In considering your response consider how much of the work of Enfield Borough is directed to matters other than crime. See the report from the College of Policing

Be aware that Police and Crime Commissioner of Bedfordsdhire has arranged a poll asking residents for authority to levy a supplementary council tax charge

Comment by Donald Smith on March 14, 2015 at 14:17
Comment by Donald Smith on March 14, 2015 at 16:49

According to the current information published on BOWES LABOUR

The next CAPE (Community Action Partnership for Enfield) meeting for BOWES WARD will be Wednesday morning 18th March at 1130hrs ie immediately PRIOR to the Scrutiny meeting

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