On the 243 from Wood Green to Tottenham

I was on my way to the Tottenham Life Drawing Class for Beginners today and thought I would take some photographs from the top of the  243 bus. 

These young men are definitely on a mission! (I didn't notice the man on the right of the picture until I got home.)

Lovely tiles on the Alms Houses at Bruce Grove.

Awww....We must invite this lonely old Bakery to come and live in Myddleton Road...

How lovely to be remembered as a 'Namer of Clouds' !

I am sure most of you are familiar with this excellent and inspiring blog, Spitalfields Life created by The Gentle Author -  but if not please follow this link  and see some wonderful photographs taken from the top of the bus from London Bridge by Bob Mazzer who is well known for his photographs of life on the tube in the 1970s.

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