A poem I wrote about living in our area.



The place I like to wake


Bounds green, 

The place where I like to be, 

21 years, 

And this is still my street,


The sum of my life,

From the early hours of the day, 

To the vague of the night,

Bounds Green,

The place, 

I like to wake,


I like to take a stroll in Broomfield park,

It's not that far, 

As long as you walk real fast,

Or hop on to the 299,

And you'll be there in the blink of an eye,


I take a trip to Wood Green shopping city,

The shops are wide and comprehensive,

But I'm not picky,

There's Morrisons, HMV, Nandos and Next,

And The Big Green Bookshop,

Which is battling a period of immense stress,


The joint is brimming with clothes stores,

But I find them to be a bit of a bore,

When I see H&M I want to scatter,

I want to fly past, 

But when you're in the company of eager friends, 

The saying is "Hello! WELCOME PRIMARK!"


I live in Cineworld,

The cinema stinks of sweat and filth,

Sometimes I think they feel no guilt,

But the films are great,

Right next door - Copper Chimney,

I don't really appreciate the taste,


Then there's the Civic Centre,

Forget the Civic Centre,

Bad things,

Regrettable things, 

Went on down there,

The scandal was vast, 

I hope it's all in the past,

I pray the plight and controversy is the last, 


Bounds Green, 

Where things have changed,

For better,

For worse, 


We are all still here, 

And we are all still sane,


The trees have been chopped,

Just thick brown logs and mush, 

Dropped all over the green,

But the light on Bounds Green is brighter,

The surface is whiter, 

Clear blue vista, 

All this time,

Where have you been?


Middlesex University is no longer a uni,

But a modish block of flats, 

The Ranelagh is painted in new colours and lines,

Favourite Chicken is now Chicken Cottage, 

Clearly a sign of the times,


Bounds Green,

A shelter for my piece of mind,

Bounds Green,

The place where I like to unwind,


When my soul is tested by shards of shade,

When I am convinced today will be a horrible day,

Where do I go,

What do I do,


When my bank balance is being rinsed by TFL,

When writing my dissertation puts me through psychological hell,

What is the score,

Who wrote these stupid laws,


When Powys Lane is closed for diversion,

When my thoughts are capped, 

And the lights and the mind, 

Entice me to drift away on some mental excursion,

What do I see?

Where do I really wanna be?


Bounds Green, 

The place where I like to park my car, 

Bounds Green,

The place where I have the most laughs, 


Bounds green, 

The place where I fall, 

Bounds Green, 

The place, 

I like to wake, 

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