Wood Green CPZ and consultation in non CPZ areas of Bounds Green

A number of roads, notably though not exclusively, Nightingale Road and Lascotts Road, have raised concerns with us about parking. Other roads in Bounds Green which are in the Wood Green Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) have also expressed concern about the operating hours of the CPZ. Alongside our councillor colleagues in those other wards within the Wood Green CPZ, we agreed that it was time to review the Wood Green CPZ. As Bounds Green ward councillors we also asked for those roads not currently in any CPZ in the N22 area to be consulted.


Who will receive a letter?


  • Those who live within the Wood Green CPZ
  • Businesses and residents in those roads close to the CPZ
  • Certain roads in Bounds Green not in any CPZ


Note that some Bounds Green residents currently in the Wood Green CPZ are being asked if they would prefer to be in the Bounds Green CPZ


Copies of the consultation are also available at http://www.haringey.gov.uk/current_parking_consultations.htm


What are the deadlines?


The deadline for comments is 9th January 2015 however officers will look at the feedback in the run up to Christmas to see whether it is necessary to increase engagement in certain areas if necessary. Councillors will then meet with officers in early February to discuss the consultation.


Who can you contact if you have any questions or comments?


Full details are available on the letters, and they are:


Email: frontline.consultation@haringey.gov.uk

Technical enquiries, call our Project Engineer Harji Hirani on 0208 489 1723, or Barry Copestake on 0208 489 1324


You can also contact us at:


Cllr Clare Bull clare.bull@haringey.gov.uk  07812 677743

Cllr Joanna Christophides joanna.christophides@haringey.gov.uk 07854 544697

Cllr Ali Demirci ali.demirci@haringey.gov.uk 075408 54293


Drop in sessions:


22 November Wood Green Library, High Road, N22 10am – 2pm

24 November Haringey Civic Centre, High Road N22 3pm to 8pm

26 November Bounds Green School, Park Road, N11 6.30pm to 8pm

27 November Cypriot Centre, Earlham Grove, N22 5pm to 7:30pm

Views: 603

Comment by Kate Bines on November 28, 2014 at 13:15

Just had a look at the consultation document and wanted to find out why Park Rd (and others around it) aren't being included in the consultation on whether they want to be part of Bounds Green CPZ?

Comment by Joanna Christophides on November 30, 2014 at 18:24

Hello Kate, sorry for delay in replying. The rationale was starting from a review of Wood Green CPZ rather than Bounds Green CPZ. From there, we noted that there are some roads in N22 - I mentioned Nightingale and Lascotts to give a sense of geography - plus some in Woodside Ward (those off the High Road that border with Enfield) that are squeezed by two CPZs - Wood Green and Bounds Green. It seems sensible therefore to include those, where there has been a petition, as part of the review of the Wood Green CPZ. Some time ago - 2 or 3 years - we undertook an informal survey of Palace Road to see whether there was sufficient interest for a petition (which is the prelude to a formal consultation), and there wasn't. We could undertake a similar approach to Park Road or if you wanted to do a petition, then that would be a start. As a slight aside, as part of the consultation into a possible expansion of Bounds Green School and because of a proposed redevelopment of Park Grove, we have also said that there may be additional parking pressures on both Park and Palace Roads that need to be considered. I hope that's helpful.

Comment by Meerie on December 6, 2014 at 11:32

Hi there, Just to say I received a leaflet through the door (Lyndhurst Road) about this, and the drop-in sessions on the 26th Nov . Returning home to it that evening I had obviously missed that session; and with only a days hours notice before the very last session the next day I was unable to change existing plans to attend. It is a shame that this leaflet was not delivered in appropriate time. I wonder how many other may have also missed the opportunity to see/speak about things in person?

Comment by Joanna Christophides on December 8, 2014 at 14:52

Hello Meerie

Sorry to hear that and I'll let officers know it came too late for you to attend sessions. Plenty of time still to respond though and contact details for the officers are set out above and should be on your consultation documents. You could also contact your ward councillors - Cllr George Meehan, Cllr Ann Waters and Cllr Charles Wright. Their details are on the Haringey Council website.

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