Plants to give away (donations towards Myddleton Road Community Garden welcome)

Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!

As the Myddleton Road Community Garden sadly can't hold its annual Spring Plant Sale and Summer Garden Party this year, I have quite a lot of plants which would otherwise have been in our plant sales. Donations towards the garden fund would be very welcome.

I have several of each of these, mostly small pots. If you are interested, message me here and I will leave them outside for you to collect.

Rudbeckia (autumn colour)

Erigeron karvinskiana (lovely cottage garden daisy like plant)

Aster Lady in Black (bees love this)

Hellebore (winter flowering, happy in shade)

Centaurea (perennial blue cornflowers)

Lysimachia (purple foliage, yellow flowers - purple loosestrife)

Hardy geraniums:

Geranium tuberosum (spring flowering, leaves disappear over summer)

Geranium macrorrhizum (good dry ground cover)

Geranium oxonianum or endressii

Geranium psilostemon (needs space)



Tarragon (1 only)

Garlic mustard (native wild flower, Alliaria, can be eaten)

Purple sprouting seedlings

Happy gardening!

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Hi Kari, what a shame about the plant sales! I'd be happy to give a donation if you have any of the following left:

Rudbeckia (autumn colour)

Erigeron karvinskiana (lovely cottage garden daisy like plant)

Aster Lady in Black (bees love this)

Centaurea (perennial blue cornflowers)

I've sent you a connection request. I can collect tomorrow if that suits you. Thanks, Elizabeth

Thanks everyone for your responses and generosity! I have had enough offers for now. There are bound to be more so I will repost when they are ready.



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