A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
All three Green Party candidates standing for the council in Bowes ward live in the ward - something which isn't true for any of the other parties.
I have lived in Bowes Ward for 32 years. It is great to see the positive impact that newcomers are having on the area. I enjoy working with local people who like me want to make a difference to the quality of life for everyone in the ward. Since I retired from higher education I have enjoyed working with and getting to know other residents. I have successfully campaigned for the greening of the North Circular and persuaded the council to plant more trees in my road - one where residents are unable to open their windows because of the toxic fumes from traffic. Approximately nine thousand and five hundred cars, vans and lorries every day.
I'm passionate about creating safe, clean and inclusive outdoor spaces in the neighbourhood for our community to enjoy.
Motor vehicles are part of modern life, but drivers should not be allowed to speed through residential streets to save a little travel time. The places where people live, shop and go to school should be low-traffic Liveable Neighbourhoods.
For some unfathomable reason Labour-led Enfield Council has so far failed to submit a high quality bid for between £1M - £10M of additional income from the London Mayor's Liveable Neighbourhood Fund. They should now submit such a bid to reduce the significant harm being caused to the health of residents in Bowes Ward without further delay
I've worked in Intensive Care and Health Visiting for over thirty years and have been a resident of Bowes for over twenty years. During my time in the ward I've successfully campaigned on local issues from traffic to trees. I'm acutely aware that things could and should be so much better!
Motor vehicles are part of modern life, but drivers should not be allowed to speed through residential streets to save a little travel time. The places where people live, shop and go to school should be low-traffic Liveable Neighbourhoods.
For some unfathomable reason Labour-led Enfield Council has so far failed to submit a high quality bid for between £1M - £10M of additional income from the London Mayor's Liveable Neighbourhood Fund. They should now submit such a bid to reduce the significant harm being caused to the health of residents in Bowes Ward without further delay.
Click on the image below to read the Bowes Ward newsletter.
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Thanks for everyone’s support. We got 17% of the votes - that feels like quite an achievement. Bowes residents care about the environment and the toxic pollution that blights our lives. Let’s continue the conversations.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
© 2025 Created by Richard McKeever.
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