Hi all,

We are now tidying up the final bits for our re-open on the 9th and our website is currently being re-branded. The website has a 'street recipe' section and we wanted to ask you all to send us a recipe that is 'close to your heart' and if we chose your recipe to list on our website you will win a market hamper.

Please email your recipe to contact@northlondonartisanmarket.co.uk and put 'heart' in your subject line.

In addition we will be having a raffle draw on the day to raise funds for a local cause and we would love for you to tell us who we should give the raised funds to, it could be:

1. Bowes Association

2. The community garden

3. A local 'soup' kitchen

4. Or a family / friend that could do with a helping hand!

5. Any other local cause

--again if you could help direct us we would be very grateful!

Our market will also be driving through a charity campaign 'Food for Souls' - our aim is to donate food from each trader to a local homeless charity. We like the Pret a Manger model of not throwing away any food/produce but by donating them to local shelters, community kitchens etc.  We are just ironing out all the details and will give more information closer to the time. 

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the 9th March from 10am - 2pm. 

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