Having just received an email from Lynne Featherstone about Crossrail 2, I had no idea that the plans were to extend from Alexandra Palace to New Southgate. I know, my head must have been in the clouds somewhere.

Anyway, this means that it would be running right under Bounds Green. Not sure what this means exactly and if it will at all be immediately beneficial, although in the future they may extend the line so that it goes even further north which would make it worth it. Not sure what disruption this would cause – I'm guessing closing of stations temporarily? Anything else?

Apologies for my ignorance, but would really benefit other people's opinions so that I can make a judgment on the consulation.

There is quite a lengthy document – pages 11-20 refer to this section of the line.


What do people think?

Thanks for your time.

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Hi Mandy

We had a bit of information on the site last summer (see here) which included a map of the proposed route.

I think it's probably best viewed as a new network linking north east and south west London ...  rather than an extension of the current tube/rail system.

Hi Richard. Thanks for that. Realise it's for a new network, but wanted to understand more about the benefits outweighing the disruption and any forseeable problems. The support seems to be more positive than negative which is a good sign I guess. I think I may well have been away when this post was put up. Thanks again! Mandy

Hi Mandy,

We too have had an e-mail from Lynne Featherstone about Crossrail 2.  There are very lengthly documents to read to try and understand it.  With horror I see that they plan tunnelling under some of our houses in Woodfield Way, which obviously I am extremely concerned about.  Will try to get to grips with all the documentation and come back.


The following are the latest safeguarding documents that show the planned extended route to New Southgate.  Pages 16-18 are the ones of interest, note that the portal (where the service starts its underground journey) is planned to be in the Bounds Green industrial Estate, so this is where all the real visible and heavy lifting work will take place.  Removal of soil, delivery and loading of tunnel segments etc.

Crossrail Safeguarding

Thanks Kevin. Interesting to see the plans further down the track too.
Thanks Anne. Talking to a surveyor friend, we were reassured that the tunnels would be very deep, so structures should be fine. The tone of Lynne's email was a little scary that's for sure. Let us know what you find out though Anne.

I grant the tunnels will be deep as they travel through most of London however as they only start their underground journey at Bounds Green industrial park I suspect they will not be that deep.

A pdf file of a briefing given to Enfield Ward Councillors on 17th September is attached


Hello all,

The latest update is that TfL are consulting again on some other route options.  The most relevant for Bowes and Bounds is the option to go via Wood Green, rather than Alexandra Palace and Turnpike Lane.  Have a look, and your say here:



Hi Matt

Shame that by using Wood Green option

  • east of Haringey residents will lose the integral surface transport Bus Station interchange and buses along the A10 corridor
  • west of Haringey residents may lose the provision of the lifts at Alexandra Palace

The consultation shows numerous events

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