Volunteers Required for Give or Take Event (Saturday 30th July @ Commerce Road Community Centre)

Dear All,


The BPCA are running another Give or Take event on Saturday 30th July at The Commerce Road Community Centre between 11am and 2pm.  This event enables individuals to reuse household items such as bric-a-brac, books, kitchen items and small household items, and also pick up items you may need - all for free!  Further details can be found here - http://www.bowesandbounds.org/events/give-or-take-day


In the past, the success of these events have been due to the kind assistance of volunteers from the local community.  Volunteer help is required to assist with:


*displaying items

*speaking to attendees

*clearing up at the end of the day, including transporting leftover reusable items to charity shops and the reuse and recycling centre by car.


Any time you can spare between 10am and 4pm would be very much appreciated, even if it is just for a couple of hours!


If you are interested in being involved and helping out on the day, please contact me at adam.clifford.paul@gmail.com or on 07841 457243.


Many thanks,


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