I was just wondering if anyone knows who is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the bridge? I run over the bridge towards Arnos Park three or four times a week. It is never cleaned and the type of rubbish being dumped is frankly worrying. Broken bottles, drug paraphernalia, discarded take away boxes and used condoms. No wonder no one wants to use the walk way??


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Hi Sally

There has been a long running discussion about maintenance of this bridge elsewhere on the forum (follow this link). The latest installment was that Joanne McCartney, London Assembly Member for Enfield and Haringey was following-up with the TfL Commissioner (see here).

Sally Eustance asked

I was just wondering if anyone knows who is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the bridge?

These are TWO a separate questions. The reply by Richard McKeever and his link only answers the fist.

Transport for London (TfL) is only the highway authority...as with elsewhere on RED ROUTES such as both A406/A10 and ALL subways (pedestrian underpasses) on A10 what is known as the Waste Collection Authority is London Borough of Enfield. I suggest Sally Eustance e-mails the Southgate Green Ward Councillor and CABINET member responsible, Cllr Daniel Anderson

Thx when I get  minute ill try those people!!!


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