Tailgating motorists crossing from Durnsford to Brownlow Road persistently block the flow of traffic on the Bounds Green Road at peak times causing long tailbacks and delays in both directions. Any ideas how I can take this proposal forward?

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By contacting the local Haringey councillors Clare Bull, Joanna Christophides or Ali Demicri.

Done! Thanks

you're welcome and good luck, I cross there regularly with my two youngsters...

The right turn from Durnsford Road on to Bounds Green Road is absolutely horrendous as well, no proper road guidance whatsoever. As a regular user I am just about used to dealing with it but newbies or timid drivers have no chance. That whole junction is terrible and needs looking at.

As does the zebra crossing just down from there past Tesco's which is now down to only one flashing light and is ignored by the majority of drivers. An absolute death trap, particularly in these winter months, and needs sorting out.

And Enfield Council really need to sort out that shambles of where the North Circular meets the Green Lanes. Another stick your fingers in your ear and hope for the best junction.

Agree it has been awful lately. I took this picture last week... cllrs a good bet. Bounds green rd is a tfl rd so may need to involve them too! 

Thanks all. I met with an officer about this yesterday and he is going to contact TFL again. We have lobbied about this junction before to no avail but I do think things have got worse. Thanks for the photo we can use it to evidence the issue with them. Will keep you posted.

Clare, there has been work taking place recently at the Junction of Warwick Rd and the North Circular which may have affected Brownlow Rd.  Warwick Rd performs a vital function providing some relief to Brownlow Rd (which carries multiple bus routes and would otherwise clog up).  As a road closure on Warwick has been in place during the recent works this may partly be causing unusually long tailbacks on Brownlow.  However that's not to say that this junction doesn't need attention, quite the opposite in fact as Brownlow is very busy at peak times and a box junction seems a good idea, especially as there is a camera already at this location that could be used to enforce it.


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