For those who were wondering where they had gone:

Thank you for your email.


I have been advised by our Regeneration Project manager that the planters were funded for a two year period, using monies obtained from Section 106 payments. These are payments made to the Council  by planning developers to enable any adverse impacts of a large development to be offset, to enhance the environment or to contribute to local facilities where this is not possible through planning conditions.


Sadly these funds have now expired and regretfully the planters have had to be removed. However we are now trying to seek for additional funding to enable us to replace them.




Mick Green

Service Officer

Such a shame - let's hope they are replaced at some point!


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That's great...and then we need to think about future funding...any ideas?

Nice to hear about these two positive things Joanna. Thanks.

Joanna - many thanks. The planters are now back!!

Wonderful to see the planters in situ! Many thanks Joanna et al

Also thank you so much to the lady who creates the beautiful floral display the other side of the is magnificent. Reminds us just what can be achieved through community action when councils are so hard pressed. Another wonderful community development is the mini book share area in the tube. lovely to stand and look through books with other locals and share 'good reads'.

The same person has also planted up the bed by Food City further down Bounds Green Road which is also fantastic and all out of her own pocket which is amazing generosity. It makes a real difference to the local area and it's pleasing that none of the displays have (as far as I know) been vandalised.  

As regards future funding of the planters outside the tube, if necessary perhaps a local business would sponsor them - Sunshine Garden Centre or a local estate agents?


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