A group of us decided to meet up to initally discuss the Tewkesbury Terrace green outside the Ranelagh, with particular focus on improving the green, limiting litter and fly tipping and creating a safe play area for children. I know there are a few residents associations and I am sure there already is activity in this area, so it would be great to hear from you if you are able to enlighten me or if you simply would like to get involved. Whilst discussing this on another forum, it became apparent that people would like to address other issues such as anti-social behaviour, moped crime and hate crime amongst other things. Perhaps we have the opportunity to join forces? We have nearly 100 members on our facebook group which you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boundsgreencommunityaction/

We are holding a meeting this Wednesday 17 May at 8pm in the Ranelagh. This is an opportunity for everyone to have their say, for us to learn about existing work in this area and establish exactly what this group will do and how we will operate. Do we for example, want to have a safe children's playground, regular litter picking, fences around our green or an exercise area for adults? Are there issues in our area such as gangs on scooters or hate crime that we need to unite against and lobby for more police support?

I have also set up an email account, if you would like to make me aware of existing activity or if you want to get invovled, but cannot attend on Wednesday. boundsgreencommunityaction@gmail.com

Will be great to have your contribution and as I say, so let us know if there already is a group looking after this as the last thing I want to do is step on toes!

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Emmy, I can't make the meeting on Thursday but hope you get lots of ideas to share. There was a thread on this site a while ago that you may have seen which contains some ideas. I'm not aware of any specific anti-social behaviour issues or 'moped crime' - hope this isn't becoming a regular thing for residents?

I did write to our Bowes Ward councillors a few months ago to point out that the tree that usefully and imaginatively formed an extension to the play equipment was past its sell by date (my kids loved running along it as part of the 'assault course'). They acknowledged my question but I'll follow up and see if there is any money available to create something to replace the old tree.  Hope the meeting goes well on Thursday.


Thank you so much Matthew. Perhaps we try and organise the next meeting so you can come as this historical knowledge and having you involved would be a huge help. Would it be ok to hold off on the email asking for equipment just for the moment please? I'm really keen to establish exactly what the community as a whole want from the space and go to the council with a robust campaign with ideally hundreds of signatures and a bundle of research. Does that sound ok and is there anything else we should know about the green or any other key players like you?

Emma, please go ahead and yes I will hold off on the email until I hear back on the ideas that come out of your discussion, although could I request that you include my ideas in the discussion?  Some in the thread are also very worthy of consideration. I don't think I'd add anything further in terms of history...the space has gradually improved over the years, the TfL A406 improvement scheme improved the Western end of the space and I understand Haringey and Enfield councillors co-operated to secure the play equipment at the Eastern end. My priorities would be to (i) ensure it is protected from development (ii) ensure it is safe, especially for children (iii) ensure current amenity is maintained (the 'play-tree falls into this category) (iv) ensure it is kept clean and tidy (v) make it attractive (maintenance, planting (cow parsley, celandines and ox-eye daisies, wildflowers etc). (vi) invest: new play equipment, seating, green/conventional fencing (Elder, Blackthorn, Hazel), bins, permeable paving, picnic tables, children-designed central point (vii) community orchard & beehives.

Thank you so much for this. Absolutely brilliant. Will be sure to read out tomorrow and share minutes with you afterwards.

Emmy, how did the meeting go last month? Are you able to share the outcome of the discussion?

I would definitely engage the bowes park community association as a good local stakeholder (details elsewhere on this site) and we love Myddleton Rd (also here)...
Really inspiring to hear of ways to develop public spaces in this area. I can't be there tonight - but I wondered if there's any interest in developing the space outside BG underground. I was in Finsbury Park yesterday and noticed the metal sculptures outside the station.

Also I seem to remember that the planters were going to be returning ... Any further news about those?



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