Don't Let The Step be converted into a flat and small shop - Part 2


We Love Myddelton Road sent out the following message yo their mailing list yesterday:

"We wrote to you earlier in the year about an application by the new owners of The Step (101, Myddleton Road) to turn the whole building into tiny flats. 

In a fantastic result for Bowes Park people power, the application was withdrawn just before the end of the consultation process after over 300 objections!

However, the unit that previously housed The Step is now under threat again!

The company that bought No. 101 Myddleton Road has recently submitted an application to Haringey Council to convert most of the GROUND FLOOR into a flat, leaving a small shop at the front no longer big enough to run a pub/bar/restaurant. It would remove the beer garden and cut the internal space by more than 50%!

You can read about the application on the Council's website here:

The deadline for objections is in just 15 DAYS on 30 JULY!

We think that if the Council approves the application, it would be disastrous for our lovely local high street.  
We would lose another full-size commercial unit on Myddleton Road - and not just any old unit, but one that can be operated as a pub/restaurant/bar, providing a vital hub for the whole community. 

No. 101, Myddleton Road is the only pub/bar unit with its own outdoor space/beer garden in the area, which is important for a lot of people, particularly under current circumstances.
So, we're asking you (again!) to submit an objection to the application. 
We need to let Haringey Council know that we don't want to lose this incredibly valuable unit that has operated continuously as a pub/bar since the 1980s, until the building was sold to its new owners. 
In order for objections to be effective, they need to clearly show why the council should reject these plans based on their policies/criteria. So please include a version of one of the three points below in your objection: 
1. It would remove a unique, full-size unit suitable for a pub/bar/restaurant, eroding the primary function, vitality and viability of Myddleton Road as a Local Shopping Centre
2. It removes valued community infrastructure, as it will not be feasible to run similar social events (live music, pub quizzes, etc.) in such a small space 
3. The proposed residential unit does not fully meet minimum space standards, and adding yet more small flats to Myddleton Road will also exacerbate well-known problems with parking and refuse. 
With the worst of the pandemic hopefully behind us, we think there will be lots of pent-up demand for a new pub/bar/restaurant/bar to open at No. 101, if the owners were to market the property - they actively rejected our offer to help do this.
So, please do submit an objection on the Council's website using the link above. And spread the word!
Stay well, 

Daniel, Emma and James

Co-Chairs, We Love Myddleton Road
Twitter: @WeLoveMyddleton
Instagram: myddletonroad

Here's that link to the application again:

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A quick update on this - there were over 230 objections to this planning application and the applicant has now withdrawn this planning application.


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