Does anyone know why solo men drink beer and wine at the south end of this path (towards Bounds Green Road) and then lob their empties over the fence? The whole area was tidied up a while ago and it’s now a mess again. There is a bin 100m away by the garage.

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Hello, No as I now live in New Zealand but I can tell you, as a dog lover, that in the 1950s that entire pathway was known locally as Dog’s Paradise. You walked it at your own risk. There was dog poo everywhere along the length and it smelt of Dog Poo and stale wee. People did not pick up in those days as they do now. As a kid I used to pick The stems of Dandelions and blow the white furry bits away. God knows what went on my hands but I am still alive at 77. I guess those that gather and drink there just don’t care. Why do they gather?
well perhaps with the price of beer in pubs now, being what it is, it is cheaper to buy cans and drink with mates just off the main road and, even more so, if they are not welcome or banned from pubs.

Things have changed quite a lot - I’ve been here since the 60’s (with a brief gap on the dark side S of the Thames). The drinkers are solitary and not native English speakers, possibly it’s some cultural thing where they can’t drink at home, which is fair enough, but why not use the bin rather than make a mess.

Hi Calvin, Because they just do not care. Same as smokers chucking their butts on the floor or out of th3 windows of their car. Same as people dumping their Maccas rubbish anywhere or out the window of their car. It’s a malaise of self centred lack of consideration for others in society.


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