....all the discussions about cafes, community centres, art and crafts venues etc?


There was a lot of discussion and excitement a few months ago about possible replacements for the community centre at 128...


.... and then everything went quiet.


Any news?

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The Community Centre idea using the premises facing Nightingale Gardens went quiet as I ran out of steam!  Anyone prepared to front the idea I am prepared to help but realised I did not have sufficient  time to initiate such an project which will be hard going for a considerable length of time.

Thanks Kate - I understand the issue of "running out of steam" - it's a major thing to bring something like this together - and I agree with Tom, I find it nothing short of bizarre that landlords would rather the premises stand unused with a theoretical rent on them of £30K/annum instead of letting them at peppercorn (or at least non-exorbitant) rent to groups who could potentially turn the whole street around.


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