Hey all

I moved into my current place back in October and within a few weeks we had managed to clear a really overgrown part of our garden, put down weed killer and also lay down tarpaulin as to keep from more growth, well, not its June and there is 101 different types of plants, weeds and god knows what else, the only flowers im certain about are dandelions and a couple of poppy's

Is there anyone here who could maybe pop round sometime and help us identify what is what? we want to grow some fruit and veg but cant at the mo, there might even be something already growing

if you can help me that would be great, you could even have a little patch in our garden to grow your own too

PM me please, i am based on the GL end of Truro Road


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Hi there

I live a bit too far away to pop over and my knowledge is still pretty sketchy and sad, but I started gardening when I arrived in PG five years ago and love it. There is one book I couldnt do without - 'What plant where" by Roy Lancaster. There is also a title 'Right Plant Right Place' which I think is fundamentally the same book. It tells you everything you could want to know abuot choosing plants to suit your garden conditions and you can usually pick it up very cheaply on second hand book sites.  Things that grow really well for me in our clay soil- roses, runner beans, lupins, clematis. Good luck with it all, sorry you are having such a soggy start to your summer garden, but it will be alright, oh yes



Personally I have a few containers where I transplant things I'm not sure whether they're weeds or plants it allows me time to decide to keep or not. One thing I would say is not to put any weeds in your compost bin chick weed for instance can be dormant for up to 25 years. I don't have grass but you can make a pile of any grass you dig up layer the strips of grass I think it's grass side up for the first strip then soil side up for the next etc.  

If you'd like to get some free plants/tools or just about anything else? Check out ilovefreegle.org the not for profit UK online based free recycling/reuse forum. Freegle means 'Free Giving Locally Easily' where you can offer or request just about anything so long as it's free and legal! Freegle has only one goal 'To Stop Good Stuff Going to Landfill' and in doing that support our local communities.

There are over 340 groups nation wide and more than 1.3 million members giving stuff they no longer want and getting stuff they do. You don't have to give to get on Freegle it's not a swap shop, you can't borrow, lend or sell items on Freegle. There is no money involved Freegle is run entirely online by over a thousand unpaid dedicated volunteers.

Freegle actively encourages Schools, Clubs, Church Outreach groups, Hostels, Safe Houses and many others to post for resources completely free of charge. Hope this helps!



Enfield Freegle


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