Walked past on Sunday and it looked very sad. Shut, curtains closed, furniture all piled up. Does anyone know what's going on with it please?

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Yes Lindsey many people are suprised by Monaghan's even if it does feel a bit like that scene from Star Wars sometimes on a Saturday night. It is a good pub friendly if a little bit lively but always very safe. From what I have heard about the Springfield the garden will actually be turned in to flats although this could be the usual local tittle tattle.

Rebecca you are right about location of the Prince I just hadn not looked at it like that. I regularly used trot up to the Springfield with the dog and that is just as far away. That said, I never feel comfortable walking through that pathway between Finsbury garden and the high road late at night which is usually when I am staggering back from the pub.

I run after work and finish my route along that path back onto Trinity Road and must admit  It always feels a bit unsafe, I tend to avoid it if its dark. 

Hi Tom, Monaghans is opposite Wood Green station, just before the bus station. It doesn't look much from outside but definitely worth a try. 

Not ultra local but me and Pete discovered the Duke of Edinburgh on Mayes Road today. By far the nicest pub we've found in Wood Green - especially on a lovely sunny Sunday with all that back yard seating. It's got two terrible reviews on TripAdvisor but we found the atmosphere today was friendly and laid back (although inside the pub is very dark). Anyone else been?

Yes, we've been many times.  Great food!

The pub thing really surprises me too. I've lived in Wood Green for just over 6 years now and mainly go to The Gate or The Ranelagh. Ranelagh server Brooklyn Lager and Sierra Nevada two great craft beers. Finding the balance between traditional pub, nice, friendly, inviting and clean is tricky in cities. Landlords really need support! Just hope they are willing to listed.

Went here recently

Light, friendly local near Exmouth Market


Cool retro and bric-a-brac furniture good atmosphere, dark!


Classy, posh pub near regents canal


Found The Orange Tree just off the New River in Winchmore Hill yesterday (opposite Sainsburys). New favourite pub! http://www.orangetreepub.com/


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