Hi - just back from a few weeks away to find that someone has done a massive cleanup job on Tunnel Walk (think that's what it's called - the common ground above the railway tunnel, between Durnsford Road and Blake Road). Does anyone know who did this? It's absolutely marvellous! Who owns this land? Who's duty is it to maintain it? And did anybody see the (I'm assuming) machine that did it?

(For those of you who don't get the 'crablogger' reference, that was a giant out-of-control tree-felling machine in an old episode of Thunderbirds).



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have you moved from Tottenham jerry?

Alex [former bass at Tottenham choir]

Had left Tottenham even before I joined the choir! Been in Bounds Green nearly 4 years now.

Ah, i see.

See you at Downhills park for cheese,  song bread and beer next week. http://www.bowesandbounds.org/forum/topics/tottenham-ploughmans-lunch


Thanks for the tip - that's a really lovely walk and quite hidden  - it's not obvious from the Durnsford Road end.

I'm not sure who owns it  - I'd assumed it was responsibility of the local authority?

Oh... and here's a picture of the Crablogger!

I was told, some years ago, it is owned by the railway.

Some years back I saw some workmen with an excavator, when asked what they were digging for, the reply was " We are digging looking for a hole". 

OK they were Irish. But they were right.

They were checking on the old vents from when steam trains ran through the tunnel. They had been capped, they were checking if the structures were sound.

Hope that helps, I am glad some one is clearing it up. I tried to walk it about a year back. Not possible.


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