Dear All,

I have decided to reignite the debate on introducing a CPZ on the Enfield side of Bounds Green. As I am sure many of you are aware Enfield Council consulted on the idea around 5 years ago now and since then its my belief that things have got worse.

I live on York Road and on speaking to my immediate neighbors saw that there was an agreement that it would be good if something could be done. I leafleted the majority of York Road on Friday to canvas opinion asking for people to sign there name at the following link and have been quite pleased with the response so far.

I conducted a unscientific survey last week along York Road which showed that on Saturday and Sunday at around 1pm, there were 16 and 18 spaces respectively that were available, however at the same time on Monday there were only 2.

It is quite clear that the bulk of the availability of spaces is concentrated during weekdays and the problem is being caused by commuters who use our roads as a car park. As Haringey have a CPZ covering their side it has further pushed more vehicles down into Enfield.


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At the Bowes ward forum last week we talked about this, distributing the CPZ charter etc. It's complicated because there is no unanimity...

Will put the minutes up on our Bowes Labour blogspot within a day or two

Hi Joshua

You will surely be asked "how much will this cost me?"

Provided you decide whether the local residents support a one hour restriction to facilitate enforcement action against all day (commuter parkers) or want a full-on residents parking scheme, the annual costs of parking permits within LBEnfield have been recently advertised as shown in the image

Hi Donald (and Joshua)

I agree that understanding the financial implications for people will be a key element of these discussions and the information you have provided is very useful in this regard. My feeling is that given the absence of majority support when the issue was consulted upon 3 years ago or so I can't help feeling that once again the majority will not feel that for them it is worthwhile investing these sort of sums in a CPZ scheme - although personally I'd be more than happy to.  I wonder however as a suggested way forward if it might be possible, especially in the roads or parts of roads areas where there is a particular problem (I suspect these are the areas closest to the tube) whether certain sections of the particular road could be marked off as a 'CPZ' (for those who want and are willing to pay for a CPZ) with the other areas remaining as now (for those who do not want such arrangements in place and who are not willing to pay).  There may be good reasons why this is not possible however it does seem to me that this could be a solution for both those keen on a CPZ, whilst also meeting the needs of those who are not and are not wiling to pay?

Appreciate thoughts you, or anyone, may have on this.


Anything is possible under the terms of a traffic order.....A privileged few residents have had the L.B. Enfield Controlled Parking Zone extended to create a sub-zone to cover Sundays [whereas the disruption to buses caused by cars parking on London Road and displacement to other defined Monday-Saturday residents parking places was not included in the consultation] 

Elsewhere, a decision to split a road in Southgate N14 caused Why did they get it: What about us? arguments

LBorough of Enfield  are currently consulting on a Controlled Parking Zone on Marlbough Road, see comments by 31st August

Thanks for the heads up - any plans for a CPZ should consider the Enfield streets south of the north circular.  A CPZ on Marlborough Road would merely push the problem to other adjacent street.

Hi Matthew

You write: ...any plans for a CPZ should consider the Enfield streets south of the north circular.  A CPZ on Marlborough Road would merely push the problem to other adjacent street.

I am not arguing with you...but since I livbe north of the North Circular and regard it as "the silly season" (and I only came across this by chance) I have created an on going Event activity at as a memory jogger for those residents and www. users both in LBEnfield and LBHaringey.

The consultation is being conducted by Messrs Ringway-Jacobs as part of LBE's Framework Highway alliance Contract

I noticed that Palmerston Crescent on the north side of the North Circular has as similar consultation currently.  Here's the weblink:

Thanks Matt, to help others I have extracted the image

Comments have to be submitted to RidgwayJacobs by 16th August

Palmerston Crescent residents are potentially currently being impacted by displaced parking from several issues at present

  • displaced parking as a result of Thameswater sewer works (ongoing until December 2015)**
  • New flat development on Southgate Town Hall site**>>
  • redevelopment on the Truro House (161 Green Lanes) site By Messrs Comer Brothers**

** each development will be accompanied by vehicles owned by contractor staffs. Option exists for any CPZ on Palmerston Crescent to be an Experimental Traffic Order

>> because of the requirements of the Mayor's London Plan, parking is likely to be a permanent underprovision


Further to my previous comment  on Matt's input, be aware of the discussion at the planning planning on Tuesday 11th August 15/01247/VAR

Variation of condition 8 to 14/04237/FUL to allow a total of 100 buses to be parked or stored at one time.

"It is therefore concluded that there are no objections to the proposal subject to the completion of an S106 agreement to secure the following:

 A contribution of £1.5k to enable the existing {northbound} right-turn pocket in Green Lanes to be improved;

 A contribution of £22.5k to enable a CPZ {on Palmerston Crescent} to be designed and implemented, subject to the outcome of local consultation; and

 A car parking management plan setting out how the applicant will manage and control on-site car parking.


Hi Karen

You write: 

 I'm on Highworth, where Bowes School is. Maybe you could email Alan as well to remind them that it's not just about certain streets but, the area near the tube/North Circular as a whole. We need to keep badgering them about this.

Sorry to be a pedant, but this area crosses both ward boundaries and Borough boundaries

so you need to lobby more than Alan Sitkin!

I'd be interested as to whether there has been any progress with this issue.  With the recent introduction of residents parking in the east part of Bounds Green in Haringey (Palmerston Road etc.) this issue is getting worse.  The cars which used to park here are (commuters and dumped vans) are now moving up to the area of Enfield inside the North Circular.

This map highlights the issue - the Haringey side of Bounds Green/Bowes Park is all now a CPZ and the Enfield side has no parking controls:

Does anybody know if Enfield have been made aware of this issue?


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