A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
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Holly, Momentum are a left-wing political organisation founded by Jon Lansman and who are supportive of Jeremy Corbyn. They claim to represent the grassroots of the party and have been compared (maybe unfairly) to the Militant movement expelled from Labour by Kinnock in the 1980's. They appear to be in the process of trying to increase their influence in Haringey Council, partly I believe because they oppose the proposal to create a 'Haringey Development Vehicle' which is a controversial partnership with a private sector developer. Momentum have been accused in the past of actively trying to deselect councillors and MPs who they don't agree with or who they don't think are supportive of Jeremy Corbyn. The events you refer to above are only part of the impact that I believe this is having in Haringey. The guy (don't recall his name) who leads the Development Vehicle initiative is not going to stand again following pressure from Momentum and the same Corbynite faction attempted to oust the leader of the council (who supports the Development Vehicle) a few weeks ago (they failed). This is the not-so-messianic side of the tactics of the current Labour leadership and their supporters, unless you don't like the Development Vehicle proposal of-course, in which case you may think it's justified.
I too am so sad/furious that our wonderful hard working Councillors were not automatically selected at the chaotic meeting of the Labour Party last night. The fact that Bounds Green is a nice place to live is in no small part due to the responsiveness of our Councillors. They are visible and frequently in our area, they understand the needs of the diverse community and if they are voted out I doubt our interests will be well served.
It was astonishing to find that none of the other candidates seeking selection to represent us currently live in the area and their written statements addressed issues regarding Haringey with no particular reference to Bounds Green -I wonder if they have ever stepped into the area? Most statements appeared interested in taking over control of the Council and stopping the Haringey Development Vehicle. I fully understand that is a huge issue for Haringey but it does not directly affect our area and should surely go hand in hand with being responsive to the people they with to represent.
I urge all Labour Party members who appreciate the work of Joanna and Ali (Clare has decided to stand down) to come to the vital meeting next week which, if enough people turn up, could still let our area be represented by people who have shown such dedication over many years. 28th November , Wood Green Social Club 7.30 doors open. Bring two pieces of ID. One showing your address
They listened to me and gave me advice when I had problems this year in their surgery.
this sheds some light on what is going on
Unless Labour party members rally to their cause then its likely that our councillors will be got rid of. This, sadly, is the reality of at least part of Corbyn's Labour party - and for Bowes and Bounds it's a disaster.
I can only suggest that should we get lumbered with new councillors, who we don't want, then we must hold these new ones to account, insist that they hold local surgeries and commit to keeping up the excellent work of those who went before them.
The Haringey Plan - it just keeps on giving ;)
This may be of interest...
Labour party memebers have rallied and the elections show clear majorites to deselect councillors on the basis of their approaches to the Haringey Development Vehicle. But it was not just that: it was the lack of tranparency and consultation about the whole ptocess. I understand that posters on this site have a range of views but if they were members of theLabour party who actually turned up they could have voted. IF responders on this blog were not members they will have to wait until the elections in May.
There is no reason why you shouldn't hold the three new council candidates to account, especially if they are elected but it's no disaster. The REAL disasetr in the offing is the HDV. Interestingly, none of the posts here have mentioned events in the Seven Sisters ward where Cllr Kober was re-elected by a huge majority. Is there a reason for this eloquent silence?
If our local councillors are in favour of the Haringey Development Vehicle, then I'll be happy to see them go.
It might be worth pointing out that the link is to a piece written by a Haringey resident and campaigner against the 'Haringey Development Vehicle'. The council's position on the project can be found here http://www.haringey.gov.uk/regeneration/haringey-development-vehicl...
It might be worth pointing out that the piece clearly states that it is written by a Haringey resident and campaigner against the Haringey Development Vehicle. Nothing to hide there.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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