A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Seems to me that our loveable landlords along Myddlleton Road are cranking up their activities again. Anybody who has been in the beer garden at The Step this weekend will have seen a huge "outbuilding" being erected a couple of doors down. Completely new shop front has been put in at the old take-away near the junction of Marlborough Road and the Domipol supermarket that is totally at odds with the areas status as a conversation area.
My complaints to our ever so brilliant council have fallen on deaf ears and just wondered what other people think about it? Those of us who have lived in the area for some time will be well aware of the damage these illegal breaches of planning have caused to the area and may well share my concern.
Tags (all lower case):
It is good that local people notice what happens on the street - and important that they report anything they believe does not have planning permission.
But it is even more important that when any application for planning or similar IS made, that people send their comments to Haringey, or to the Planning Inspector if that is relevant. Without YOUR support many of these things get through even IF Haringey does take action.
There is currently a retrospective application for no 94. What is now the Polish deli'
If you care.... then please do go on to Haringey website and make your comments. Do it now, time is running out fast.
The application to look for is HGY/2013/1340
What was Ioannou's shop at 69 has lodged an Appeal against an enforcement order. I will tell you about that when I find all the details! We have longer to comment on this.
I note that no 104 is finishing the work on the applications that they WERE granted a couple of years ago. This will make it one of the most densely converted on the road.
Enforcement Action is being taken against the building at the back of no 97, though for what exactly i dont know yet. I gather that it has water etc and no 'shed' is allowed to be 'self-contained' , so perhaps it is that. I guess we will hear more anon. But, it is not until landlords are forced to demolish such unlawful growths, at their expence naturally, will things change.
But do comment on no 94 now.
It, s a real shame that the council doesnt seem interested, unless it involves collecting rent or rates. continually, they appear to take a short term view when greater foresight is required (normally for very little additional cost).
If they want rejuvenation they need to bite the bullet, stand strong and apply existing regulation.
I agree with you in some ways - but the lack of care or concern was much worse about 12-6 years ago than it is now. To be fair to the Council, they have been subject to a large number of Appeals when they DID take action, and such things cost quite a bit of their/our money, and they have lost many of them because the Inspector looked at the general state of the road, the previous works done in other properties, and came down in favour of the applicant and not the Council.
So that is one reason why it is so important for individuals who DO care and feel that the council is doing the right thing for them to say so by commenting on applications and appeals.
And though we may think that things in M Rd are bad, which they are, there are even worse things that the Council is trying to deal with in other areas by taking enforcement action - such as 75 people living in a small disused factory. And there was a period when the council had NO enforcement officers at all! And then only one, then two. Luckily there is now a larger team - but with the govt cutting funding generally by a further 10% next year......... what then?
I do think that enforcement is the key here.
We have seen several attempts at grand strategy - with an excellent (and expensive looking) report from Architects Butler Hegarty about a vision for Myddleton Road. Followed by the Local Authority's own comprehensive review of planning guidelines - with an extended public consultation.
These are both worthy attempts an setting an overarching vision for the future of the street and establishing minimum standard planning guidelines for any redevelopment. However it is enormously frustrating to see these plans and proposals ignored by local developers. Even worse - it seems they are not implemented by whatever local authority officers remain on the ground having survived the cuts.
The blatant breaches of regulations visible in the street and reported on this forum leave one feeling the money spent on consutant arhitects has just been wasted if simple enforcement of the planning regulations is not possible.
I also heard that there is another flat building frenzy going on at 109 Myddleton Road where the owner is building over the whole of the garden to the rear. There was a large skip on the road last week with lots of soil in. It's the building behind Anemone Travel and next to Anita's. Has anyone see any planning for this or is it another illegal development?
Sadly this is not unauthorised.
An application was made a few years ago together with the next door property, and it was not spotted, and so it got permission. The next door did theirs, but this chap has only now started to do his bit before the permission runs out.
Very sad that it is yet another long, nasty extension with poor quality flats etc etc.
See http://www.planningservices.haringey.gov.uk/portal/servlets/Applica...
Hi Caroline
I note that there are several conditions attached to this application, is there any way we can make sure that these are strictly adhered to? As EyeInTheSky notes, the landlord is building over the whole of the garden at the rear, which I am pretty certain contravenes the conditions, although he most likely arrogantly assumes nobody is going to check this.
I also think it would be very useful if we could use this forum to alert the wider community to any new planning applications being raised along the street. Many people we speak to at The Step have no idea whatsoever that applications are in and it could be a good idea to mobilise opposition against over development of Myddleton Road?
Well......... nearly all of the extensions and alterations in Myddleton Road are done by absentee landlords to maximise their profit by making more and smaller units.
There are very few properties, if indeed any now, that are owned by the same people or family that lives there.
And as regards No 97, A planning officer has replied to me:
"We have asked them to apply for planning permission to authorise the construction of the building and future use of this building. The planning department will then assess the application on its merits in terms of planning policy and potential impacts on neighbours. In the event that this is not applied for, it is likely that enforcement action will be taken."
So... we will have to wait and see, and if they DO apply and if DO object to it, them you must write and say so.
I have also asked her to pop in to check on no 109 to see if they building according to its permission or not.
Good idea Mat.
What is reassuring is that the people behind the development at 109 are Anemone Travel, a business with a presence on the street of over 20 years who surely must have a keen interest in the health and vitality of Myddleton Road? It would make no sense whatsoever for them to create an extension on their property that would come with the associated problems of certain other addresses on the street we could mention...they would be out of business in no time. There are clear stipulations laid out in the planning application and as long as they are adhered to it should be a positive for Myddleton Road.
Followers of Twitter over the weekend may have seen the pitfalls of judging any new development on Myddleton Road by the standards of some of the notorious ones that have gone before them. Whatever the street between Marlborough and Whittington may look like from the pavement, there are some really good homes behind the doors so it is far from all being doom and gloom.
That's not to make light of some of the outrageous developments along the road and it's important to remain vigilant about future applications but to look at every case in black and white would perhaps do more harm than good.
Good luck to Anenome Travel I say.
no 97 have just applied for planning permission to retain their new house at the bottom of the garden which they say is a 'recording studio' and live/workshop.
PLEASE, if you do object to this unauthorised building do write and comment on this application.
You can find it on Haringey website. Planning section. It is application HGY/2013/1626
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