We have a couple of great community-run open spaces nearby -the Community garden in Myddleton Road and Finsbury Gardens . There is also Tile Kiln Lane nearby - but there's always need for more open public spaces, especially in such a densely populated neighbourhood.

The Mayor of London has launched a "pocket parks" initiative to encourage and support new small open spaces with funding of up to £50,000.

Any suggestions for a new space in Bowes Park or Bounds Green?

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I don't know if would qualify as a pocket park, but I was thinking that there's potential for a community orchard around the new play area next to the Ranelagh pub. There's plenty of room for a few fruit trees (20?) which could be interspersed with seating areas and wildflower planting. This patch of green is increasingly being used as a social space - an orchard could make it a destination for the whole community, not only the families with young children using it currently.



That's an inspired idea - I love the idea of a community orchard - in earlier discussions on this site the idea of community food growing has been discussed (see this link).

What I really like is the idea of a community orchard being open to all as part of a social space, not locked away with access controlled literally by "gatekeepers". It may be viewed as a "risky" approach to put fruit trees in a public place -but I like the trust implicit in projects like the Butterfield Green Community Orchard in Stoke Newington and The Incredible Edible Todmorden Project in Lancashire.

What is that small piece of derelict land at the junction of Powys Lane and the North Circular?? At the moment it is fenced by some rather ugly looking industrial railings?   Not a great play space but could be developed into a green space and soften the look of the area - particularly since Notting Hill Housing seem so keen to grab surrounding gardens and build on them!

Hi Sue,

I'm writing a piece about possible 'pop-up parks' for the Enfield Advertiser and would be really interested in talking to you about your idea for a pocket park area at the junction of POwys Lane and the North Circular. If you could give me a call on: 0208 370 5476 I would really appreciate it.

Todmorden....in Lancashire? I'd love to hear you tell my sister that! But in all seriousness, I think it is a great idea and the two areas proposed sound like great candidates for it.

Oops! - however in my defence ... according to Wikipedia (so it must be true!) until the boundary reformation by the Local Government Act 1888, the Lancashire-Yorkshire boundary ran through the centre of Todmorden... not trying to restart the Wars of the Roses - sorry!

HI Toby,

I'm writing an article about pop-up parks for the Enfield Advertiser Newspaper and would really like to talk to you a bit more about your idea for mini-orchards.


If you could possibly give me a call on: 0208 370 5476 I would be very grateful,




Ruth McKee

All these ideas are lovely but require a huge amount of time and commitment from local people to develop and maintain the parks. Haringey Council currently provides very little in the way of funding for maintenance or repair in our main parks. I don't want to put anyone off, but those interested should be aware of the continuing work load they may be taking on. Sorry to pour cold water on these really positive ideas, but the reality is that the burden tends to fall on a small group of over-worked enthusiasts. I'd be delighted if you could prove me wrong!

This discussion was picked up and reproduced in a couple of our local newspapers - including a rather awkward looking photoshoot!

See coverage here

There's a small piece of land in front of Passmore Edwards House which is just grassed over at the moment.  It belongs to the council.  There's enough room there for a little playground and some benches.

I love Toby's idea of planting an orchard in the green space adjacent to the Ranelagh pub. In the late summer I wanted to go and look at the orchard in Broomfield Park but missed the designated day when they had an event on there, so of course the gate was locked when I went. I live not far from the Ranelagh and would be happy to take my turn at digging, maintenance etc. if we all chipped in - see Elaine Norman's comment. Maybe those of us who live nearby and would benefit most from having a lovely oasis next to the main road could all get together and form a group to do the work involved. We could always go and have a drink in the pub after our labours.

I just saw this forum post, and funnily enough I had in mind the long triangular green bounded by Warwick Road, Tewkesbury Terrace and Bounds Green Road which is the piece of green on which the new play area near the Ranelagh pub is and note Toby's good idea.   There could certainly be more seating on that area (there is a circular area of tarmac where several paths converge and it should be possible to put 3/4 benches that don't interfere with the thoroughfare, and may several benches near the play area for spectating parents.

Even though it is a sizeable area of green it doesn't feature in LB Haringey's green spaces http://www.haringey.gov.uk/index/community_and_leisure/greenspaces/...

Just so happens of course that I look out over the Green from my flat at the top end of Warwick Road!


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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