A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Hi all,
Had a visit this afternoon from John, from the Bounds Green District and Residents Association, as I had previously objected to the demolition and redevelopment of the lovely old house at 2 Maidstone Road (corner with Brownlow Road).
The house has been demolished this week and, as far as anyone knows, several new flats are to be built on the site, totally out of keeping with the area.
Enfield Independent are sending a photographer and journalist to the site tomorrow to report on this and anyone who is free at 1pm is invited to turn up for the photograph. The BGD&RA are trying to get other local newspapers involved in this too.
I realise it's short notice but, just found out about this today. If you are free tomorrow, please come and show your support and meet us at the property at 1pm.
Thanks, Karen
Tags (all lower case):
BBC documentary recently aired a show highlighting unsympathetic redevelopment: The Secret History of Our Streets.
You can still see it online here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01jt9bv/The_Secret_History_of...
We had a discussion about this development on the site back in February; a discussion which includes details of the proposed new building Follow this Link
I fear it's too late to affect this development which is a great shame, as it was such a lovely house. My understanding is that the new 3-storey block of flats will contain something like 6 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom flats. What also concerns me greatly is that there are only plans to provide 2 parking spaces for the whole block - apparently in line with the council's wish to promote car-free living. From what I've read, this means that people living in these flats won't be entitled to local residents' parking permits . . . so where do you think they'll end up parking? Sigh. Very sad I'll be at work tomorrow so not able to come along at lunchtime, but hope there's a decent turnout.
This idea that you can force people out of their cars really is a joke. I've seen this in parts of Enfield before and it never works. Every flat has one, or these days often 2 or 3 for flat-shares, cars and they greatly increase the load on the streets. And of course they potentially add to possible profit by the flat builders, who don't have to use land for car parking but can build more flats instead - but the other local residents get the pain. Never really liked Ken Livingstone but at least he used to understand that you don't force people out of cars, you entice them with cheap but efficient public transport.
A short article on the North London Today newspaper site reports on the redevelopment - including a quote from Bowes ward councillor Achilleas Georgiou who points out that the only way the building can be halted is via "a costly and time-consuming judicial review".
Appalled and saddened by the demolition of that house, which I had hoped for years would find a sympathetic buyer to renovate it.
For clarity: any further discussion on this development will be on the current thread Please follow this link.
A record of previous discussionns can be found here
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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