The Green gets new playground in time for school holidays

A wooden playground recently opened on the the green near the Ranelagh Pub. It integrates seamlessly with a large trees-stump that’s been left where it was felled. The tree-stump can be used by adults for sitting on or as a continuation of the play area for older children.

A big thank you to Haringey council for installing such a tasteful set of equipment. Its wonderful for the green to have an area of focus for kids and their carers to meet and get to know each other. This space is normally deserted until the  temperature climbs above 25°c. Now, despite the damp gloomy afternoons I’ve seen clumps of people enjoying the equipment. 

The nearest rubbish bins are 50 meters away near the bus stop. Judging by the amount of mess that has accumulate at the tree stump in the past I think it would be good for a bin to be placed close by. Do you think some benches for that end of the green are appropriate too? Is anyone interested in sponsoring a memorial bench for the benefit of the community?

The play equipment with the new goal posts in the distance.

Views: 348

Comment by Dave McNeill on July 27, 2012 at 11:23

Don't you think the quality of the installation is a bit poor? The matting seems a bit uneven and there obviously hasn't been an appropriate membrane installed as there is already grass poking through. What's it going to be like when there's 18 inches of grass growing through there?

Also the goal area was waterlogged when I walked through there a couple of weeks ago, although that might just be due to excessive rainfall.

Comment by Kevin@The Ground Bean Café on July 27, 2012 at 14:32

When I was last there, mid-July, it was muddy under the mat and it did feel very loose. I think that the intention is for the grass to grow through so that the mat is is hidden. I've not got any specialist knowledge on these matters but I assume that once the mat has been used for a while it will bed down and fit more firmly in place.

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