Please could local residents (Enfield or Haringey Boroughs) consider a proposed development using the link below.  The developer wants to knock down two properties on Brownlow Road and build THIRTY houses and apartments on the site.  The planning application has, surprise surprise, been lodged in a stealthy manner, first for two houses on the site of 26 Brownlow Rd followed by the acquisition of number 28, a mysterious fire and then slap, bang the proposal goes from 2 houses to three houses and twenty-seven flats.  One of the houses to be demolished is an 1850 house of some character, one of the oldest and most characterful in our area (oddly left to go to wrack and ruin once the hoardings went up).

I've lived here for 10 years and this is the kind of application that local residents have had success in fighting, we've pulled together to object to the over development and sub-division of houses on Myddleton Road and also a proposal for gross over-developments in Maidstone Rd.

I apologise for posting this on the 1st of March when the council's deadline is the 2nd March (that's a different story).  This is a plea to local residents across Bowes (and across the railway line) to consider the application and place your objections.

For clarity no-one I've spoken to objects to all development, there will undoubtedly be building work on this site and it is hoped people will come and live there.  We would just prefer some affordable housing, sensitivity to current parking issues and decent-sized homes for people to live in.

Instead what we're faced with is an overbearing proposal that's very unsympathetic to the neighbourhood, dominating a prominent site near to the underground station - it will form part of the face of our local neighbourhood.  Please use and adapt the attached if you agree with the content (it's important you personalise it) and go straight to the Haringey planning portal here:

There are 31 individual objections on the Haringey portal as I write - this doesn't feel like enough to me - there were 100  objections to the recent Maidstone Rd proposal and that was a fraction of the size. If for any reason you aren't able to meet the deadline - object anyway either using the Haringey planning portal or the email below as your opinion might be considered up to the point of the council's decision:


Quoting application reference: HGY/2018/0309

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We have objected Matt - thank you for bringing it to our attention.  It is a monstrosity!  

What a monster! Totally out of proportion and not in keeping the character of the area

thanks Richard, your view is valued

Not to mention the oxymoronic misnomer known as 'Affordable Rent' (i.e. 80% of Market Rent that excludes keyworkers essential to run London that's still being peddled by Sadiq Khan and supporters of the HDV)

Hi, I have objected. I hope it will help.

Thank you Junko. I hope Hot Milk Café are good neighbours for you. We love them.


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