As a child I used to spend time on the station with the station master in his office and having a cup of tea etc.

I remember as ypou walked over the bridge (right next to the station) and got to the Myddleton Road side there was a recess on the right hand side and at the far end of he recess as you looked back towards the station there was a cafe (My Mum used to call it Greasy Sid's. I cannot recall the correct name.

Love to see some photos around the station and bridges please

Does anybody know what is there now and when the cafe disappeared (We moved in 1958).

Dad used to manage Williams Brothers Supermarket which was on the top right corner of Myddleton Road.

In fact although as a child I lived in Queens Road, My Dad got married from an address at 102 Myddleton Road, where his Mum lived at the time (1941).

I now live n New Zealand, which I love, but my one big regret is that at 74 I would love to return and explore the area of my childhood to refresh the great memories I have.

Love seeing some of the photos on here.  Roger

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Here's one from c1900, and a couple of links to boot

Bowes Park 1

Bowes Park 2

Hi Richard, Thank you so much great photographs. I went to Bounds Green School but at one stage around early 1958 for some reason the closed part of the school buildings and at 11/12 years had to travel daily to Wood Green to go to a school for soe months next to the Bassetts sweet factory. Used to catch the train from Bowes Park for the one stop every day. Remember one morning reading the Newspaperas I went when The Manchester United air crash had happened. Sad day that even though I always was and always will be a spurs supporter. Roger

So here is a photo of the footbridge at Bowes Park. The cafe was in tyhe recess to the far right on the Myddleton Road side. What is there ow please.Williams Brothers Grocery store that my Dad managed was the top shop on right corner of Myddleton Road as ypou look over the bridge. What is there nowpleae


On the right hand corner as you look from the station is Mum's Bistro - formerly Mum's Lounge.  It's a family-run Greek food and drink establishment.

Here is a photo from about 1962 of this end of Myddleton Road.  Now in the Haringey Archives in Bruce Castle.


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