Myddleton Road is nice, but it could be much much better.

In fact I think the "improvement" has stalled somewhat over the last 2-3 years.

There are too many parked cars on it, too much through traffic, the pavements are cracked/dirty, there's too much rubbish/litter, too many empty shops and shop fronts that look, well, a bit "scruffy"

Why can't it be more like Francis Road in Leyton?

See links below:

(See 3rd July Entry)


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The weird thing is, one of the Directors of the company that is behind the current (very unpopular) plans to change the former "The Step" ...lives on Francis Road!

I once liked Middleton road. I now don't walk along it from Whittington Road. I find the crowds that block the pavement outside the Bakery a real nuisance. They block the pavement meaning I have to walk in the road with the pram because no one moves. This was the same all through lock down.  The road improves at the junction of Marlborough Road just past the food shop and the cafes at that end.  Other than these places I avoid Middleton road. Shame because it could be nice. We need another Step!

i agree about the people hanging around at the bakery

and this is the problem. now we have a street that some people don't even want to walk down.

Yes! I've often referred to Francis Road but don't feel like anyone is really listening!! 

I keep meaning to go down there for a visit. From the photos it looks so similar to MR. 

There have been a lot of requests recently to officers and councillors from Haringey to consider part time pedestrianisation of MR. Lets hope something happens soon.

it really needs either pedestrianising completely, or reducing the car parking and widening and improving the pavements. currently the pavements are too narrow, dirty, cracked and there are too many groups of people "hanging around" on them

I agree that a move towards pedestrianisation would be great. There can still be deliveries to businesses. Other places do it. There is a need to be very vigilant as the new planning rules mean that shops can be converted to housing without planning permission!!! And we have seen the results of awful conversions!

My daughter lives near Francis Road and I am very envious. So yes please. Tidied up and pedestrianised would be great. Might encourage new shops too
Well, when I read this post I can’t help to think that we lost our three amazing Councillors Joanna, Clare and Ali that gave their all to ensure not only Myydleton Rd but the whole of BG was at the forefront of funds from the Local authority. I have seen the area slowly going back to its bad old days and this is quite sad to see.

yep. it's gone downhill. pavements are dirty and cracked, litter everywhere, too many parked cars, too many people "hanging around" blocking the pavement, the "covid" barriers make it look like a construction site, too many potholes for cyclists, too much dumped rubbish (always pallets etc), the man who seems to be always fixing cars in the street, too many shabby and poorly design shop fronts etc etc

I made a quick trip to Leyton the weekend before last to take a look a Francis Road, as suggested by Anna and Lucy, see photos below:

The retail part of the street obviously had quite a lot of money invested in it as part of Waltham Forest's Mini Hollands scheme, with traffic excluded for most of the day, new, wider pavements and plenty of cycle stands.

The street does seem very similar (although with fewer shops) to Myddleton Road, with a number of independent shops and cafes in a street that is not a major thoroughfare, but tucked away in a residential area. 

As Anna says, Francis Road does seem to be in a better condition, and less car-dominated  than Myddleton Road is at the moment, although our street seemed a bit more bustling and lively on a Sunday lunchtime. 

It seems to me that in the short-term Myddleton Road probably needs a good spring-clean, and then it would be good if it could have some substantial investment to start to bring it up to the level of other regenerating local high streets like Francis Road.

Myddleton road these days appears to have about 5 or 6 small cafes mostly populated by young men who hang around on the pavement outside the cafes. It certainly doesn't seem as "welcoming" as it was a few years ago.

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