A Community Network for Bowes Park and Bounds Green
Our local area has just one Blue Plaque commemorating a notable former resident or building, it is one of the Plaques erected by Enfield Council.
At the Green Lanes end of Kelvin Avenue a blue plaque on a modern house notes the site of the former Bowes Manor - home of Thomas Wilde the First Baron of Truro and Lord Chancellor (Read more about him here)
There are a few different commemorative schemes in operation including Haringey's Green Plaque scheme - but the English Heritage scheme is probably the best known, and they have an open call for new proposals of individuals to commemorate.
Who else should we be celebrating locally? Are their other historically famous residents?
What about our local heroes - are there other people whose contribution to our area and our community could be recognised?
Tags (all lower case):
The movie actor Jack Hawkins was born and raised at 45 Lyndhurst Road, not quite Bowes Park, but close!
Arthur C Clarke , I was told lived in Nightingale Road. I will check this out if you wish.
Yes, I was told Arthur C.Clarke's brother worked for many years at Hobbs Wilson, the plumbers' merchant on the High Road (now a cafe).
Kate Franzmann said:
Arthur C Clarke , I was told lived in Nightingale Road. I will check this out if you wish.
Kate - Arthur C Clarke used to live in number 88 Nightingale Road
I remember my Granf talking about him when i got excited about astronomy as a young un
I just wanted to share this fascinating website with you www.londonremembers.com which aims to capture all memorials in London. Currently it features no memorials for Bowes and Bounds.
Memorials range from plaques to fountains, statues, even ghost bikes. If anyone's interested in doing a few streets in our area (noting memorials, stories and taking photos) I know the woman behind London Remembers and would be pleased to get us involved and on the map. I'd be game!
It's amazing to discover that Arthur C Clarke living locally - there was a period when I read far too much Sci Fi than was good for me - I must have read most of what he produced!
Thanks for the link to London Remembers Lindsey - fascinating! I am very interested in collating local memorials - I included a couple of things on here as part of a discussion about drinking fountains I am sure there must be more and I'd be happy to contribute - feels like a Google Map coming on...
This is on the former Sunday School building adjacent to the Greek Orthodox Church in Trinity Road. Dates from the time when it was Trinity Methodist Church, of course. It was laid in 1902 by my great grandmother. There are others laid on the same day but the inscriptions are quite damaged now. I know a little about some of the other names, if anyone's interested!
Not that I'm claiming she was a local hero! It was really a reply to Richard's post about local memorials!
Can anyone give me some suggestions on how find notable people who lived in Wood Green. It was quite a thriving Victorian area, so there must be more than we hear of, over the years.
So how do we dig other people up? I'm all for doing a little research if someone can point me in the right direction.
There is a list of "People from Wood Green" on Wikipedia... but mostly a bit more modern than Victorian!
I suppose Bruce Castle Museum might be a good place to find out more about an earlier age - and the Hornsey Historical Society have published several local history books Albert Pinching's terrific book Wood Green Past provides a fascinating look back at the history of our local area including notable locals.
Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.
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