Hi all,

This is my first post here - nice to meet you all. I've been in the area for about 9 months now, and it's really nice that this sort of thing (B&B) is here to bring everyone together!

Just had a thought that I'd share, I guess it might have come up before. Has it ever been suggested that there could be a mural on the walkway across Bowes Park station? I'm thinking like the one on Bridge Approach in Primrose Hill, and I think there's something similar (but lower-key) somewhere near West Hampstead...

Absolutely no idea how to go about it if it was considered a good idea. Perhaps involve artists, and/or local children? Then there's the issue of potential vandalism, but I'm not sure that should stop people doing this sort of thing.

Anyway, I'd be interested to hear thoughts on all of this.


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I think this is a terrific idea.

It could really give the place a sense of identity - and improve the look of a rather drab grey bridge for those getting off the train at Bowes Park.

The only "art" I've ever seen there was a rather conceptual bit of graffiti last year (see pic here). The Myddleton Road Community Garden has the lovely Mosaic butterfly created by local artist Miranda Andrea, and there are some other community art mosaics around Enfield

Art installations that draw on the nature or history of a place can be a great way of building a local identity; if not art - then a local history exhibition - like the one in the in the outdoor gym could also work here

I suppose the bridge is looked after by Network Rail? or First Capital Connect? would that be a first step?

Great idea, William. Hello!

If the community inclined towards street art in the wake of the Banksy affair, I'm in touch with Boe & Irony, the people behind the Walden Road fox. They look for people to donate walls to them, and put up quality street art. 

Nice to meet you two Will and thanks for this suggestion I think it is a really great idea. I think a starting point would be to uncover who actually own the bridge, would it be Transport of London or perhaps First Capital Connect I would presume? I was interested you mentioned the bridge in Primrose Hill because there is a lovely story about it as it was painted by a group of Chilean refugees in the seventies it is on the internet somewhere because locals fought to save it.

There is also a mural at Harringay station.

Nice to meet you too Will - Really nice idea and it would be great to get children involved too and get some press coverage on it! Any progress? Sureka x

Will! Yes! That is a fantastic idea and please please pursue it... I started on the same route a few months ago but have hit a bit of a brick wall. The bridge belongs to British Rail Infrastructure and I tried but failed to contact their communities team... I did manage to get a mobile number for a guy called Derek Crook, but despite quite a few calls and messages... he's never called me back. I'll pass on his number to you if you would like it.

In the meantime, I've attached a few more pictures of the bridge in Primrose Hill... where I grew up! I love the murals there and it makes me happy every time I cross the bridge into and out of Primrose Hill.

The Chilean Refugee Mural was painted in 1973 by the Fine Heart Club. Love it!

There has been very little graffiti / vandalism on any of the murals - apart from recent do-gooders who white washed part of the Fine Heart Club's mural! My mum & dad fought to save it.


Hooray for Nell's Mum & Dad! 

Not meaning to sound too 'Bah Humbug' but in my experience, whenever such well-meaning projects occur, they rapidly descend into rallying points for local Hood Rats to turn into your standard graffiti and followed by tagging, which then spreads out from it's source.

Before we even embark on this, they'll need to be a commitment from someone to quickly correct any defacing that will (likely) occur, otherwise it spirals downwards, leading to a bridge that will look even worse than it is now.


I'm quite happy with the bridge as it is...

This area does not get much graffiti generally.

The only place they seem to target is the stonework on the New River Tunnel entrance - which is very sad.

But..... the big gates mural that the local children did in 2009 in Myddleton Road got no graffiti or tagging and still looked reasonably Ok until early this year when its age had got to it.

I gather you can cover a mural with anti-graffiti paint so that it is easier to get off should anything happen. 


What a shame this mural has gone - I was hoping it would come back when the gym opened. 

Brilliant idea - that drab old bridge needs something.

Also see here http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2012/jun/23/shepard-fairey-n...

Shepard Fairey in Turnpike Lane. Haringey can't be that opposed to street murals then.

Hope something happens..

Fantastic idea William, and much needed!

Thanks for all your responses - very helpful. I was really just floating the idea, I have no idea if I'll find time to do anything else on this, but I'll certainly let the forum know if I do!



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