Hi all,

This is my first post here - nice to meet you all. I've been in the area for about 9 months now, and it's really nice that this sort of thing (B&B) is here to bring everyone together!

Just had a thought that I'd share, I guess it might have come up before. Has it ever been suggested that there could be a mural on the walkway across Bowes Park station? I'm thinking like the one on Bridge Approach in Primrose Hill, and I think there's something similar (but lower-key) somewhere near West Hampstead...

Absolutely no idea how to go about it if it was considered a good idea. Perhaps involve artists, and/or local children? Then there's the issue of potential vandalism, but I'm not sure that should stop people doing this sort of thing.

Anyway, I'd be interested to hear thoughts on all of this.


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Thank you Lynne.

I've just sent you an email with the contact details of the person I've been dealing with at Network Rail, as well as the correspondence trail.

It would be a big help if your team could assist us with getting an actual response from them... they shout about all the great community projects they've done but we're having a total nightmare even trying to get confirmation that the bridge could be painted!

Many thanks


Thanks for your backing Lynne, that's great - obviously still a lot to discuss, but it's quite exciting I think!


It will not ever be possible to get 100% agreement on the 'best' street art - or any other form of art.

There are some people who dont like any painting of any sort on buildings they see as they go down the street, and others who like graffiti art (as in Brighton), and others who prefer something much more traditional and 'folksy'. 

Then should it be one artist or a 'community' project involing the schools or local people?  There wont be 100% agreement there either.

But...... The discussion is great - and I for one hope that something colourful or black and white like Roa does get created. 

I would love to see vibrant colors to brighten up the bridge with a representation of Bowes Park in some way and love the idea of involving community/school painting in templates provided by the lucky artist.  Know we have some amazing musicians around these parts, so anything to do with music and as well as our amazing artists and photographers should go down well, including maybe a reference to the Victorian beginnings.  Maybe a donation could be asked for, as worry about who will pay for the cost.

Still no mention of a handrail along this bridge which is dangerous when snow falls and turns to ice. Maybe we could start handrail discussion again in another thread

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I have now heard from National Rail Infrastructure. They have been talking with First Capital Connect and handed the project over to them. I have yet to hear from Capital Connect, but will chase them up next week.

From what I understood they want to do a removable mural / art on panels behind protective perspex... I guess this is so the artwork can be changed and more easily cleaned as necessary. However, I haven't spoken to them yet, so not sure whether this is correct.

I will update you further soon! It's their bridge so they can do what they want but hopefully they'll be some community engagement too.


Nell (currently waiting for a delayed flight in Auckland... boo!).

After doing some prolonged moaning to First Capital about train delays - I have the contact details for the CEO and his assistant in case you don't get a response from other channels. His assistant Jackie was good at responding and helpful. 'David.Statham@firstgroup.com' & jackie.jones@firstgroup.com 

Hope your not delayed for too long! 


Wow I think this must be our first international posting - all the way from the Antipodes! Not bad for a little local site.

Have a safe journey home.

As Leigh mentioned - First Capital Connect have had a pretty poor showing with delays and cancellations over recent weeks - I wonder what they would think of a mural depicting wildlife ... you know ... maybe a  tortoise, or snails ... that sort of thing...

ha ha! Actually a tortoise would probably get to Old Street quicker! 

Haha a serenely smiling sloth might brighten my walk to to the train station.


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