Hi everyone,

Following Nell’s post on this site before Christmas and the Caroline Simpson’s resignation from the Myddleton Road Strategy group (see here), we saw a huge outpouring of positive energy for Myddleton Road, anger at its perceived neglect and a loud cry for something to be done.

Since then a group of us have been working to set up the We Love Myddleton Road group to do just that.

We want to bring everyone together to take action and to campaign for a sustainable future for Myddleton Road and its wider community. By working alongside the council, landlords and shopkeepers we hope we can help ensure commercial and social enterprise can thrive on the street and in this area.

That means encouraging and promoting the Road’s many positives, as well as tackling the issues and concerns we all share.

To make things happen we’ve formed four main groups within We Love Myddleton Road – each one designed to get on with a particular set of plans. The groups are:

  • Protecting Myddleton Road’s Assets – looking at how to tackle planning abuse to stop further loss of shops & homes;
  • Improving the Environment – taking action on crime, antisocial behavior & the environment (rubbish, dumping etc);
  • Driving Regeneration – work to create a environment for MR’s economy to thrive; and
  • Communication – encouraging community activity, building links to landlords and businesses, campaigning for a better future. 

To kick start this next phase of Myddleton Road’s future, building on the tireless efforts of the BPCA, the Myddleton Road Strategy Group and the organisers of the Myddleton Road Market, we’ve written to Haringey Council, the Borough Police and many others outlining our plans and asking for their help (see attached).

But what we really need is your help. Only with everyone working together can we bring about positive change. That means residents, landlords, shoppers and anyone who cares about the future of Myddleton Road -  we want you all to join us.

You could help by doing more to report concerns with litter (e.g. the “Our Haringey” app allows you to send a picture of dumped rubbish to the council who will then come and remove it); by shopping at the local shops on Myddleton Road and the Myddleton Road Market to help support existing businesses and demonstrate that commercial premises should remain just that and not turned into evermore bedsits; by commenting on planning applications on the council website; or even by becoming a member of one of the smaller groups (listed above) and sharing your ideas and knowledge.

If you want to help then join our mailing list by emailing ilovemyddletonroad@gmail.com

Or if you want to join one of the smaller groups our next meeting is on 25 February at 7.30pm in The Step. Just come along.

Thanks to everyone who has helped so far – and here’s to making Myddleton Road the best it can be.



Toby, on behald of the We Love Myddleton Road group

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Hi everyone,
We thought it was time for a bit of any update on what the We Love Myddleton Road group has been doing.
At the last meeting in February our Regeneration, Environment and Planning groups got together to think in detail about what they could do to give the road a better future. Ideas to be explored include:

  • Re-painting some shutters to make the road look a bit more friendly (with permission of course);
  • Trying to attract pop-up shops to show businesses the community wants to support new retailers;
  • Promoting the road so more people know about its great businesses – including signs up by Bounds Green station; and
  • Organising a litter pick up day to show the community we care about how the area looks.

A small group of us will soon be meeting to discuss how to make these ideas a reality – and we’ll keep you all posted.
With the weather getting better we hope to soon be running events to support Myddleton Road that will need your involvement. So keep an eye out.
In the meantime it’s worth noting some progress we’ve already made:

  • The letter Lynne Featherstone MP wrote to Haringey Council on our behalf saw them respond wanting to get in touch with us.
  • The CEO and leader of Haringey Council are supportive of our work and have suggested for now we work with our local Bounds Green councillors – we had a very useful meeting with them last Saturday and have agreed some positive next steps, including:
    • a Regeneration Walkabout along Myddleton Road with council experts to think about what more can be done to boost business and enterprise;
    • Walkabouts are also planned on the our other priorities; and
    • key officers will be attending the next Myddleton Road Strategy Group on 1 April to discuss planning matters with our Planning Group
  • There are new CCTV signs up on Myddleton Road and some of the surrounding streets – warning people that there is a camera in the area;
  • Signs have been posted on many lampposts along Myddleton Road reminding residents and businesses when rubbish should be put out for collection – so hopefully that should make a difference;
  • Lucas Barbers has re-opened, the Hellenic Gourmet shop will soon open and the old Solo Way coffee shop is being refurbished (though it’s not clear as what); and
  • Finally a few of us are hoping to meet with the council’s expert on Neighbourhood Forums to explore how this new legislation could help us in Bowes Park.

You may also have seen that Lucy is seeking sponsorship for the Myddleton Road Market here – so if you know any local or London businesses that might want to help please let them know.
As ever if you want to get involved or have any ideas please just get in touch.
Many thanks
The We Love Myddleton Road group



Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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