I've spotted them twice recently, flying in formation over the station - six beautiful green parakeets. Has anyone got photos of them? They're always too fast for me. Found these pics on Flickr of other London parakeets. In fact, there's a whole Flickr group for them! https://www.flickr.com/groups/67648996@N00/

Which reminds me - Big Garden Birdwatch coming up on 24-25 January, do take part and share what birds you see in your yard https://www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch/




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Out for a news year's day walk in Grovelands Park I was struck by the distinctive sound of half a dozen or so Parakeets squawking in the tree-tops - and their bright green plumage was clearly visible against the gathering gloom. A really uplifting splash of tropical extravagance on a London winter day - I am not sure if these would be the same birds at Bowes Park station? Perhaps they follow the railway line up beyond Palmers Green to Grovelands?

They're well and truly established and have been for over 10 years now.  Initially they tended to stay in the very tops of trees but now they've got used to being north of the river, they're coming down lower and are much easier to spot.  If you're in Enfield, a wander along the New River alongside Town Park will normally give a good view of a small flock, but there are large numbers of them around.  And whilst there, keep an eye open for the far less common kingfisher - I've only seen in 3 times in the 25 years I've live in Enfield.

Hi we have had two pairs of parakeets for the last two years in Scout Park. They are sometimes in my garden and have been known to hang out on my washing line.

They may well be the ones I've seen, Lucky you having such bright visitors! Or are they a pain?

They are in our garden regularly. One morning I counter five on the feeder with another six in the surrounding trees. They are so funny with their squabbling and attempts to get every single crumb of peanut out of the feeders.

Wonderful. I'd love to have them visit me. In the meantime I have a flock of starlings that entertain me with their squabbling over the feeder! 

How wonderful - but will they have any negative effect on the other birds?  Looking forward to seeing them.

Yes they do keep the little ones away while they are here. There have been some interesting face offs with magpies. We have put other small bird feeders on our windows close to shrubbery so that they can still feed and feel protected while the parakeets are in the garden.


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