I'd just like to flag up another wonderful local class. I love the new yoga/relaxation class on a Friday night (6 pm -7.15 pm) at 128 Myddleton Road. It's a real tonic at the end of the week involving stretching, breathing and yoga for destressing and relaxation at the end of the week. I really feel so much better afterwards and sleep well. The most fantastic thing is that I can just walk home afterwards; I have attended many yoga classes in Central London which haven't been half as good. I really recommend this one. The contact is Rachel Blunt (also a member) Jessica

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Hi Jessica thanks for this. I've been looking for some local yoga class for a while now but couldn't find any. That's very handy to know. Will contact Rachel.

Hi Both!!

Firstly thank you Jessica for your lovely comments and for taking the time to write about the new classes at The Hub. I am so pleased that you are enjoying the classes and wanting something local was exactly my reasoning behind starting the classes  and I too enjoy the walk home after a class!!  

Hema thank you for your interest and Jessica has done a lovely job of describing the Friday evening 6-715pm 'unwind from your week' class which includes some meditation and more relaxation. 

The class on Tuesday 615-730pm is more dynamic and currently a vinyasa based class but I am open to suggestions as we have discussed during the class and we may begin a 'Hot Hatha' (or slightly warm!!) if others are interested. The Tuesday night class is more dynamic and the meditation comes from the focus on Asana rather than a seated meditation. If you have any suggestions or questions you can contact myself or Catrin on bowesparkyoga@gmail.com

Thank you Jessica and Hema and I shall look forward to seeing you soon


Hi do you have a website? I am interested in the Tue class and would like details of prices. Many thanks. Sue

Hi Sue

Thank you for the message! We don't have a website but you can email us at bowesparkyoga.@gmail.com

The price for one class is £7.50 or you can book a four week block of classes for £24. We are donating to the local cancer research charity based on Myddleton Road - 50p per £7.50 and £2 per £24. We intend to support a different local charity each quarter. 

If you have any further questions or would like to book a place please email us. Tomorrow is my birthday so Catrin will be teaching but generally I teach on Tuesday and Catrin on Friday. 

Hope to see you soon


Hi there

I have tried emailing you as very interested in the class, but cannot seem to get your email address to work.  Would you mind getting in touch with me please?

Emmy. :)

Hi Emma,

Thank you for your message. I noticed that the email above is incorrect so apologies. You can find us on facebook bowesparkyoga, there is now a website bowesparkyoga.com or my correct email address is bowesparkyoga@gmail.com!! 

Currently there are 3 classes:

Tuesday 615 Dynamic Flow

Tuesday 745 Candlelit relaxation 

Friday 7am wake up flow

and there will be an additional dynamic flow class from May 14th On thursdays at 7pm 

I have mats at the Hub or you can bring your own if you prefer

It is advisable to book as the classes can get quite busy but we can usually squeze an extra one in!! 

It costs £7.50 per class or £24 for 4 classes (which don't need to be used over consecutive weeks) 

If you have any more questions please email and I hope to meet you soon


Thanks Rachel. Will send you an email to confirm.
Kind Regards
Hi Yogis

Wanted to let you know there is a new yoga class at The Hub for all the 'early birds'.

6.45-7.45am on Mondays

Hope to see some of you on a Monday.



Hi there Yogis, 

Just wanted to be clear to all the students that have prepaid four classes passes for Bowes Park Yoga, (Tuesday 615 and 745, Thursday 7pm from May 14th and Friday 7am) they arent valid for the New class that Laura is teaching on Monday Morning



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