New Premiese licence for Alcohol: 111 Green Lanes Piazza Cafe - Please oppose

This afternoon I was walking past the "Piazza Cafe" 111 Green Lanes,  when I spotted a New Premises Licence application in the window. Considering that this might be something neighbours and the wider community might be interested in, I attempted to take a photograph of it on my mobile phone.

Immediately a young man came running from inside the premises, stood in front of me and prevented me taking a photograph, I explained it was a public notice from Enfield Council and again attempted to take a photograph. He raised his hands in front of me and stood very close in a threatening manner shouting and telling me to leave. He was shortly joined by a younger man and then a woman who said she was the waitress. I was startled to find three people confronting me and obstructing me from reading a public consultation notice, I felt threatened. The man said he was calling his boss to come down, I felt intimidated and concerned that another person was coming so I left the scene.

If this is the behaviour of the staff in the premises during a public consultation - I believe it is clear that they are not suitable people to operate a licensed bar.

There is a history of drug dealing at this cafe (See MPS Enfield report here)  Plus there has been significant anti-social behaviour in this area already reported on this site last October and since. This includes the gangs of men who sit at the tables in front leering and abusing women and girls as they pass by; The rowdy barbecues in the back alleyway - where alcohol is served without a licence;  The suspicious parade of smart cars and people who come and leave via the back alley most evenings and the ongoing association with the homeless and aggressive vagrants who are frequently seen in and around the shopfront drinking alcohol and urinating / exposing themselves in the alley behind.

The application states that the place is open to the public - which it most definitely and clearly is not.
Personally I am opposed to the granting of this licence. I am posting this here to ensure as many people as possible are aware of the application - and the behaviour of those who seek to operate licenced premises and would encourage you to oppose it too.

The application is available to view on the Enfield Council website here: but there is no obvious mechanism on that page to make a comment. Perhaps you could alert your local councillors and the local police too. 

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Nasty encounter, Richard - glad you're OK. 

Looks like we can contact the Enfield licensing sub-committee through

I've shared on Facebook too. 

I don't have much cause to pass this locality but, after a recent trip to The Occasional Half pub, I can confirm the unpleasant ambience you describe generated by the boorish clientele of this cafe and attendant street drinkers shouting abuse from doorways. Can only suggest that people continue to lobby the Police and Enfield Council to address the anti-social behaviour. Glad you're OK, Richard 

This sounds really bad.  If you were intimidated, what would others feel like?  Very glad it wasn't me taking the photo.

I have sent email to Enfield Cllrs asking them to 'block' the application.

The Application is shown on the Enfield web site dated 10th September

Under the Licensing Act 2003 the Notice is supposed to be conspicuously displayed for a continuous period of 28 consecutive days. If the notice disappears please notify

If you are prevented from inspecting the notice please lodge "an information" with

A Statutory Notice is required to be published in the local press. Look for it in the Public Notices (These often appear in the smallest possible print)

It is written:  I believe it is clear that they are not suitable people to operate a licensed bar. Please distinguish between a Application for a Premises Licence and the nominated Designated Premises Supervisor.

The Premises has planning permission TP/10/0585 only for use as a Coffee Lounge subject to Conditions and for no other purpose (see pdf files) Decision Notice 20th July 2010 refers

A previous application for an alcohol premises licence was considered on 3rd July 2013 which was REFUSED

The Minutes of the Premises Application in 2013 ( a good read) can be found at CLICK HERE and is attached as pdf.

Various acts of criminality and anti-social behaviour have often been alleged along the Green Lanes corridor south of the North Circular Road, but have they been "crimed" and appear on the MPS database or have allegations been "no crimed"


Attached files Disappeared!


The formal advertisement has now appeared in the Enfield Advertiser.

The names and addresses of OBJECTORS will be made known to the applicant. When a Licensing hearing is to be held , the hearing will normally be held in the Council Chamber in the Civic Centre; members of the public may attend but only OBJECTORS may take part in the legal hearing.  

A New Premises Licence for the Pizza Cafe and Restaurant 111 Green Lanes N13 4SP was GRANTED on 14th October 2015 to Mr Hamdi Duzel 

Details of the current Alcohol licence are available on line, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

The Premises has the stipulated opening hours of 10:00 (12:00 Sunday) until 22:00

Alcohol may ONLY be served until 21:30 

i bet they do not comply with the following:

A digital CCTV system must be installed in the premises complying with the following criteria: (1). Cameras must be sited to observe the entrance and exit doors both inside and outside and floor areas. (2). Cameras on the entrances must capture full frame shots of the heads and shoulders of all people entering the premises i.e. capable of identification. (3). Cameras overlooking floor areas should be wide angled to give an overview of the premises. (4). Provide a linked record of the date, time, and place of any image. (5). Provide good quality images. (6). Operate under existing light levels within and outside the premises. 

Hi Amanda

Thank you for drawing specific attention of Bowes and Bounds readers to this requirement. Where a premises has been operating on a Alcohol Licence converted from a Magistrate Justice ON Licence  and the premises has not caused difficulties then the converted licence does not include this provision. However, at the request of MPS the provision that you quote (or similar requirement) has been included when many newer licences have been granted -- except that the wording has become more precise as a result of experience.

1. The original application to serve Alcohol until 23:30 was NOT granted

2.  Since I can be find no evidence of a public hearing of the Licensing Sub Committee for the premises as part of the application for a Alcohol Licence I assume that the applicant (and their agents) had agreed the conditions and the identity of the Premises Supervisor

There is a LOT of criminal activity in this area. Lots of men of working ages just "hanging around" during the day, driving expensive cars (some with disabled parking badges).

All very dodgy.

It sounds like the Houses of Parliament have relocated to Green Lanes.


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