Today (September 21st) Haringey Council have revealed a new visual identity, logo (above)  and materials to promote the borough.

Haringey Council’s newly redesigned website says the new brand identity "...aims to capture the spirit of the borough as a place that oozes passion, creativity, authenticity and charm".

Cllr Joe Goldberg, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Social Inclusion said:

“We need an identity that is optimistic and ambitious for the future, that reflects our promise and potential rather than the past. Haringey is one of London’s great boroughs, a fantastic place to live and work and it’s time we started shouting about this...

However the bold new logo has been met with significant criticism in part because of the finances - the £86,000 that the re-branding exercise cost, and in part the aesthetics of the design. It has been compared to a child's crayon drawing ... or a name made up of red tape!

Alongside the new visuals an “I’m In” campaign is challenging residents and businesses to stand up for Haringey – and shout what they love about the borough. The campaign Includes this video below.

What do you think of the new design? Are You In?

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Awful design.

Looks like a logo from some sort of graffiti-drug rehab centre for troubled young offenders.

Giant waste of money.

Typical Haringey.

If the logo’s aim is to portray the borough as a community at a stage of development where it has almost succeeded in copying the letters of the alphabet accurately, then it is a master stroke. The £86,000 could have been spent more profitably in supporting residents who want to learn how to master the letters of the alphabet, improve their literacy skills and be in a position to contribute more to their community.

At least it doesn't look like a broken window any more. 

In fairness, I think the logo looks much better when you see it in the context of the new Haringey website and colour scheme.

An appalling waste of money.

Councils ought to be spending money to actually DO stuff for residents, not just creating the APPEARANCE of doing stuff with PR and advertising.

I'm not sure what I think of the design itself, I think as it settles we might like it more. Having been through a few re-brands myself, they always tend to divide people, especially design wise. It is quite a bit of money to spend - but I imagine the aim is to attract investment and challenge some of the negative percepptions 'people' have of the borough. Only time will tell if this will contribute positively to that!?

 If every council came up with a wacky design like this .... Haringey Council would quickly return to its original designed logo and colours to stand out from the rest. This new logo is horrible and the design conveys a message to me of  two fingers up at the borough's location and history, a chaotic an unprofessional organisation who do not know the meaning of respect, and has a "I don't care attitude". Something like the American "have a nice day" when we know the message really means "we couldn't care less" and all the variants of that expression!

What a waste of money! Think it looks very naive and therefore totally inappropriate for a council.

With the 'I'm in ... ' idea, Haringey is quite spectacularly leading with its chin. I think most residents would have a succinct way of completing this on the Council's behalf, probably in not more than two words.

I'm with Lucia on this. The old logo was grim. 

Of course content is more important than style, but residents and council staff all take their cue from appearances. I take the rebrand as a positive step by executive staff to ensure that the Local Authority engages more effectively with residents.

Rebrand by all means but the logo looks like poor graffitti and already looks dated


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