Earlier this year in a conversation with Hugh from Harringay Online we were discussing how "Hyperlocal websites" could promote local shopping and Hugh told me about a way to support local businesses that that emerged in New York last Autumn. We discussed running London's first 'cash mob' in the spring - we weren't able to make it happen at the time -and it seems Hackney have now become London's first. But we still want to do something locally - Read below what Hugh has said about the idea on Harringay Online:

Not sure what a cash mob is? Many of you will have heard about 'flash mobs' - groups of people, who assemble suddenly in a place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act and then disperse.

A cash mob is similar. It's a group of people who pledge to buy items at a local business that could use the trade. They meet at an agreed time, spend an agreed amount and usually link a social activity for those involved, like all going for a drink, or a coffee together. The purpose is primarily to support valued local businesses and also to provide another chance for locals to meet up in a fun environment. With me so far?

There are a number of businesses that are worthy contenders to be the recipient of the first mob and after much discussion and deliberation Harringay Market has been chosen. This is a great, new friendly Market that's grabbed attention in Time Out, the Evening Standard and most recently the Daily Telegraph, (as well as from members of this site!) but it still needs to consolidate and scale up local support to ensure the various stall holders have reason to keep coming back.

Jessica, who runs it, has managed to find some truly fabulous traders for the market. There’s a terrific choice of delicious food, to eat there or take away, there are superb craft stalls and there’s plenty more besides. If you haven’t already been there, then this is a fantastic opportunity to come and support this welcome addition to Harringay. It runs from 11am-3pm every Sunday at North Harringay Primary School in Falkand Road.

I've been talking to a few locals ands there seems to be agreement that a cash mob would be a hugely positive thing for the community to do to support the market.  So on Sunday September 23rd Harringay will witness its first ever Cash Mob. And you are very much encouraged to be part of it.

To be part of the 'cash mob', you need to pledge to spend at least £10 at the market. Aim to arrive at around 1.00pm. Come with a crisp £10 note, as we’ll be taking photographs for the online sites and to cover the print side of things, we'll make sure that we get the local press involved. We'll be wanting the mob to wave notes above their heads for a true cheesy local media pic!

After the photos etc, you can enjoy a very pleasant hour or so at the market, tasting delicious food, picking up something for dinner and generally having a good time. If the weather’s good, then we’ll head to a local park after this for a picnic, so you might want to pick up some of the salad, bread or cheese while you’re there too.

We'll try and get music and entertainment for kids on the Sunday too, as we really want it to feel like a big party.

The whole point of this cash mob is to help raise the profile of the Market and to celebrate having it here and also to emphasise the strength of this community. I do hope you’ll get behind it and look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday September 23rd.

We need you to help with the marketing too! If you're on Twitter, please get tweeting about it - use the #cmobharringay tag; if you're on Facebook, tell you're friends about it, if you're on the phone, call your friends, if you're on the street, just stand up and shout!

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If you are still in two minds about joining the Cash Mob at Harringay Market on Sunday - have a look at this video for confirmation about why it is a great initiative to support.

Despite the torrential rain and freezing winds a friendly bunch of intrepid "cashmobbers" turned up at Harringay Market to spend their tenners. The picture shows some of the crowd who turned up to support this fun way of supporting local independent traders - which also give people a chance to meet their neighbours


There is a full report including some great pics of the produce people purchased on Harringay Online. As well as the immediate injection of cash the plan was to help raise the profile of the Harringay Market and it looks like this was a success as there was a fair bit of media interest.

So what next? We have shown that we can get a group of people together committed to supporting local independent traders. Is this an idea that could be applied elsewhere? Do you have any suggestions for other local businesses that could benefit from a "Cash Mob"?

Many thanks to Anna O'Neill for her Radio reports on  BBC London 94.9 on the Jeni Barnett show:

Despite the rain it was loads of fun. When and where's the next cash mob?

It was fun! Do you have any suggestions for an independent trader who could be the next target?

Big Green Bookshop springs to mind

Thanks Susie! Great to hear that locals and residents are getting behind Harringay market, although a cash mob is not on the cards at the moment for BGM, we do have a fundraising event for McMillan on the 29th Sept and asking everyone (young and old) to paint, sign, print their part onto the BGM Bunting which we will use across the footbridge on market days.

We will have themed market days - Halloween in Oct, American Thanks Giving theme in Nov and of course our Christmas market! Keep visiting the market and spreading the word!

Thanks again for everyone's support x

I'll be there. Anyone else?

The Hornsey Journal have got behind the cash mob idea:

Media interest is growing in advance of tomorrows Cash Mob at Harringay Market.

On BBC London 94.9 today Robert Elms made a brief reference in a wider discussion; a live broadcast from the market is planned for tomorrow!

Full details on the Facebook page


Sad to see the Hornsey Journal end its printed edition - but in the penultimate weeks print run they found space to give the Cash Mob some profile... Is anyone intersted in organising another? ... Or suggesting a worthy independent trader as the next target?

Thanks for organising this Richard and thank you cash mobbers from all of us at Harringay Market. We had a great day!
I'd be happy to support another local business next time. The Big Green Bookshop maybe? Or the Step? I went there the other day and I think it's a lovely place.


A second for Big Green Bookshop. 


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