Haringey has just embarked on replacing all the paving stones (cracked or not) with Tarmac in Maidstone Road.  Investigations have found that the council states that it has fully consulted the residents about this.  Has anyone received any consulation letters from them about this.  Either way coudl you please let me know?

As a note to anyone who lives in our area, on talking to various council people today it apparently is a cost cutting exercise.  Not a health and safety exercise - which rings true, as it is much easier to relay proper paving stones after any digging up of the pavements and get them level than it is to patch tarmac.

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I was speaking to a resident today who did not receive any notification of this - apparently Haringey's policy is now to replace paving with tarmac as and when work needs to be done!  It is hideous particularly over a long stretch of pavement.  Might be a good idea to get in touch with your local councillors?   I live in the Enfield part of Maidstone and was very upset when I saw what was happening!

We live on the first section of Maidstone Road (Haringey). We did not receive a consultation letter from the council.

We did receive a leaflet through the door today. It was drawn-up by a concerned resident who is opposed to the work. Residents are being encouraged to state their concerns to Ms Garner the head of Haringey's Place and Sustainability Department :

Ms Lyn Garner lyn.garner@haringey.gov.uk Tel: 020 8489 4523
2nd Floor, 225 High Road River Park House London N22 8HQ


That was me, I was desperate to try and get some sort of feeling about what was going on and whether anyone at all had been consulted about this.  I am trying to build up a number of reasons as to why this should stop, not only in this road but in the borough as a whole.  So far, I have found out from my door knocking yesterday, that there are ecological, environmental and mobility concerns which if we had been consulted by the borough before this, might have stopped the defilement of our road and others in the borough.

I emailed; Lyn Gamer (although it seems that there is some issue surrounding what her name is.  All council documentation on the website refers to her as Gamer and yet the switchboard and email system have her as Garner), Stephen McDonnell who will be covering for Ms Gamer /Garner while she goes on leave, the Mayors office and Lynne Featherstone.  My husband email all our councillors on Wednesday, to which we have had absolutely no response at all as well as Lynne Featherstone and Lyn Garner/Gamer.

I am going to try and unemotionally try and build up the exact arguments surrounding the impact of such a programme and would welcome all contributions

I wonder who was consulted about the demolition of the house on the corner too? I pass that site every day and never saw a notice about the plans to demolish rather than refurbish the building that has for so long been one of the first that is seen by visitors to Bounds Green.

This issue has been covered in the current edition of the Haringey Independent - including a rather oddly presented photograph!

You can read the article here

Two of the local councillors are attending the site during this week to meet with council officers and to discuss options.  They have declined to include residents in their meeting.

If you don't like the replacement of paving with tarmac, you could email your councillors to let them know.  Details for Bounds Green councillors are:


Our Resources section on this website includes details of all the elected representatives for our area - along with their e-mail addresses, websites and, where relevant,  Twitter accounts ... lots of ways to get in touch! :)

They haven't finished the job.  I had an email from Councillor Christophides today giving some hope on this issue:

On 09/10/2012 11:48, Cllr Christophides Joanna wrote:

We had a good meeting with officers this morning and said that we, and residents, would like the stretch paved rather than tarmac-ed. The same goes for the other side of the road. This of course is the best case scenario and depends on funding. I really must stress this point as obviously our budgets are very stretched. Other options include paving but with the crossovers tarmac-ed and again this will depend on funding. Around trees, you would have to tarmac because of the roots though it is possible in some cases to allow bare earth around the tree, and to provide a border which will be flush with the paving. This very much depends on  the width of the pavement and also where trees have huge roots, there could not be enough clearance to allow this and so tarmac would have to be used. This can be done on a tree by tree basis.  I gather officers are meeting with the cabinet member later this week and as and when we have a response, we will get back to you and to all Maidstone Road residents affected by this.  

Joanna Christophides Labour Councillor for Bounds Green Ward Chair Wood Green Area Forum and Committee 07854 544 697 www.boundsgreenhome.com

Nicholas and I have good news.  The paving stones are going to be relaid.  Nicholas received this email from Councillor Joanna Christophides this morning:

Good news! Paving it is. We'll be putting a letter round next week to residents but do let your neighbours know in the meantime.
Joanna Christophides Labour Councillor for Bounds Green Ward Chair Wood Green Area Forum and Committee 07854 544 697 www.boundsgreenhome.com

I also learnt this morning that the residents in Park Road, Crouch End were having exactly the same problem and they have had the decision to tarmac revoked as well.

Nicholas and I would just like to thank everyone who has helped and supported this issue. It has been lovely getting to meet some of our neighbours for the first time. Lets keep it up.


Great news, maybe we can get Enfield to redo Bowes Road?....same issue

I recently revisited Maidstone Road and was shocked to see the state of the pavement.Shoddy, shabby quite nasty really.It is now more of a hazard to pedestrians. Delighted to read that Haringey is to replace the paving stones.

Well done everyone. Walking past this morning I see lots of torn-up tarmac and lovely paving stones in place of it. A hundred times better looking.


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