Planning appeal - help support Myddleton Road conservation area

Hi everyone
The landlord of the flat above Mum's Bistro was refused planning permission by Haringey Council to replace 12 timber sash and casement windows with white UPVC windows. The landlord has appealed to the planning inspectorate. The due date for any comments is 19th September. 3 people wrote against the original application, it would really help support the council's case and maintain the distinctive character of Myddleton Road if more of us comment against the application on the planning inspectorate website. It only takes a few minutes to do this.
Planning inspectorate case reference: APP/Y5420/A/14/2222993, go to the following site:
Here are some points you could make if you want ideas of what to say:
1. Myddleton Road is a conservation area. Policy CSV 5 from the councils saved UDP policies states that alterations should
"a) preserve or enhance the character of the Conservation Area; and
b) retain or reinstate characteristic features such as doors, windows or materials of buildings"
Timber sash and casement windows are an important original feature of the road. The proposed UPVC replacement windows would deteriorate from the character of the conservation area. Although some neighbouring properties have UPVC windows these either pre-date the designation as a conservation area, or are unauthorised. With many changes already made the street is in danger of losing its distinctive character.
2. The proposal is at odds with the English Heritage and Haringey funded restoration of four shop fronts on Myddleton Road, which will be re-instating timber shop fronts with many original features and will add to the unique character of this area.
If you want further details on the original application or to read the officers report then go to the Haringey council planning website
Reference is HGY/2014/0796
On behalf of We Love Myddleton Road, Planning sub-group


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Thanks David. Done.

Thanks for bringing to our attention David, it is an important decision for the area. As you walk down the ramp from the train station - as a million people a year do say the statistics -  this building is the first visual representation of Myddleton Road and it is important that it looks its best and shows off the character of our area.


I tried to support this but the first link comes up with an error message. The bottom one works but when you enter the reference number it says it can't find any such case. My road (Park Avenue) is also in a conservation area but this is flouted regularly so it is important that we block this application before we all become Identikit streets. I will try searching the Haringey council website to see if I can find it. 

Hi Giles, if you copy and paste the appeal link it works

The links only send me to planning applications in Wakefield. Tried the council website and can see the application but there are no links to object to it. Will keep trying but had no idea how difficult it would be.

Sorry you've having problems. This link should work

Then enter ref APP/Y5420/A/14/2222993 in case reference box to find the appeal. 

It's not on the Council website, it's the Planning Inspectorate 

Found it - for me it only worked by entering 2222993 but have registered my objection now.


Just so the outcome of this is also known.....

The appeal was dismissed!  A victory for Haringey and the Road, and the Inspector's name was..... Claire Victory!

So keep an eye out that they windows don't get UPVCd.

Great stuff. Good to see the restored shopfronts mentioned in the report, they look great, hope they continue to help conserve the character and look of the street.


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