Lindsey Berthoud's Blog – August 2014 Archive (4)

Talk To Me, Bowes Park!

This Saturday Londoners are being encouraged to say hello to people in the street and strike up conversations with strangers on Talk To Me Day. 

My experience of our 'hood is that people are very friendly and it's not too unusual to greet folk as you pass them, have a chat with staff and customers in Red Sea or The Step and pass the time of day with a neighbour but if you need an excuse to break the ice with someone new, Saturday…


Added by Lindsey Berthoud on August 27, 2014 at 14:13 — No Comments

100 Years Ago

Haringey have launched an online exhibition that will develop over the next four years exploring what the borough was like during World War I. 

Here's an extract:

"War was declared on 4 August 1914. The impact of what this meant for local people was immediately felt. The mounted King Edward’s Horse Regiment was sent to Alexandra…


Added by Lindsey Berthoud on August 20, 2014 at 13:23 — No Comments

Hugh Myddleton speaks!

Hugh Myddleton, New River local hero and he whose name our shopping street bears, is now a talking statue

The crumbling statue of Sir Hugh sits on Islington Green and if you approach him, swipe your phone on a nearby tag and pick up your phone when it rings, he'll talk to you. 

Talking Statues is an initiative of Sing London. …


Added by Lindsey Berthoud on August 20, 2014 at 12:37 — No Comments

Nominate a garden that makes you smile for an award

I'm a big fan of the Gardening Against the Odds awards run by the Conservation Foundation. They celebrate gardens created in hostile or unlikely environments and/or by people struggling against 'the odds'. 

This year they've added a new category, Gardens that make you smile, with nominations welcome from the public. 

I'm not sure where in N22 this is, but an early nomination is for a street where neighbours are giving their multiple wheelie bins a green makeover (photo Sue…


Added by Lindsey Berthoud on August 15, 2014 at 12:00 — 1 Comment

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