Bounds Green Art Trail- Please leave the art works until the end of the exhibition.


I've been installing today an exhibition in the streets, cafes, bars and shops of Bounds Green. I wanted to bring art to local people, especially that many of the works are of local views.  

But few hours after I've been installing the exhibition, many posters were removed!

I've been working on this exhibition for over a month, putting a lot of thought and sparing no expense on it.  You can imagine how disappointing it will be for you to walk from one spot to another not finding the art work that is suppose to be there.

The exhibition is running between 26/6- 18/7 and will be removed at the end.
If it is you who is taking down the posters, PLEASE don't do it. Please leave this on until the end of the exhibition.

If you know who is doing this please ask them not to do it. 

Thank you,


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So sorry to hear this. Very sad that people are stealing your artwork. Please, please return the posters whoever you are. I was really looking forward to taking part in the trail.

Whoever is taking these down and the other local business posters is not doing our community any favours. Please lets leave up the Art Trail until it is finished.

That is awful. These people ripping down your posters and others from local businesses are just mindless people with nothing better to occupy themselves with. Just spoiling other people's enjoyment because they don't want to see it. And who wouldn't want to see such beautiful artworks? Such a shame! Really sorry Gabriela. X

Hi, I was stuck in traffic on Bounds Green road the other day and I saw what looked like council men removing posters, and taking pictures (evidence gathering?), I seem to remember reading something about local councils cracking down on littering, flyposting, graffitti etc, I will try to find the link.

Hope this helps

Thanks Amanda.

I can't find the article, I think it was in a printed local paper, but it was along the lines of this article:

Hi everyone

I've emailed the councillors to check whether haringey are behind the removals. I very much doubt it as they've not removed posters previously despite it being a long running feature of life in Bowes park so I rather suspect someone else is behind this. If I hear back I'll update everyone.

Projects like gabriela's and the amazing success of the summer market and festival yesterday just shows what a vibrant community we have here. We're all very lucky to live in such a friendly and interesting area.

It's a real shame someone has taken against the posters which help promote the local services and events that make this area so special. It would be really positive if the individual, if they're reading this, could come along to one of the local meetings designed to improve the area and we can discuss how we can all work together - I'm sure a solution could be found (e.g. Seeking permission from the council or clearing up posters after events etc).

If you know who it is and they want to get in touch DM me via Twitter @welovemyddleton and we can discuss off line.

Thanks everyone.

I wish I could find the article. I know on the Haringey Council "report it" page anyone can report flyposting/dumped rubbish/graffiti etc and Veolia (the council's contractor will remove it)

I doubt it too Toby - we've all received fake threatening emails, anonymous texts, calls from a no ID number claiming variously to be from the community or residents association and when we've contacted Haringey Council they've had no knowledge of any of it. The irony of the threat of a fine is that we'd all be more than happy to pay for posters as we all pay for online ads anyway.

I'm currently setting up the Bounds Green Business Association and we'll try to get more noticeboards sorted. No matter how big our online campaigns are,  50% of all our business comes from posters because not everyone is online/ knows where to look online/ trusts information online.

The only alternative is flyering which is far more damaging to the environment or suffering smaller classes which leaves us less money to reinvest into adverts on community websites such as this one so removing posters is really ill-thought out if they are claiming to love their neighbourhood.  

I fear we will end up with a less connected community as these activities bring people together, not to mention our charity activities which will of course dwindle if our numbers deplete. 

The key words here are ' a connected community'.  People are now starting to develop projects that connect us.  I find that exciting and very welcoming as someone who has lived in this area for over 30 years.  It is starting to feel vibrant - we have kept faith and are at last being rewarded by those who are moving into this area bringing their energy and enthusiasm.  Toby Nation is a local hero for the tireless work that he has done on MR.

Dear Gabriela

I completely appreciate your excellent motives but flyposting - non-approved postering - is illegal. There are good reasons for this, to do with maintaining the quality of our urban environment. I do realise that your efforts are to do with actually improving the local environment, but your valuation of your efforts, and those of the people who support you, are subjective. Local council regulations have to be objective.

It is quite possible that someone, somewhere, finds your posters irritating or offensive, and they degrade that person's environment. I'm afraid you have to accept this. There is nothing whatever wrong in a local resident removing illegally fly-posted material from their streets or parks. Leaving illegal posters up because "we like them" is giving tacit permission for anyone to put up any poster on any subject, and I am sure there are many that are less worthy than yours.

Alternatives are to use other methods of connecting people with your art. I would love to see council-approved locally-sponsored community noticeboards springing up all over our area. It is no argument to say that there are no other methods available, so fly-posting it has to be. That is sticking a thin end of a very fat wedge in the door. Keeping our environment as we wish it is a battle against many threats.

I am not so idiotic as to think that the other people on this thread will agree with what I say, but so long as we all remain polite that's absolutely fine.

In the meantime I do wish you well with your project to connect locality with art - great idea.

What degrades my environment is the clutter of "legal" advertising, huge billboards trying to sell us corporate crap we don't want, and don't need.

Alternatives are to use other methods of connecting people with your art. I would love to see council-approved locally-sponsored community noticeboards springing up all over our area. 

What other alternatives do you suggest? I agree about noticeboards, but we don't have them. Have you checked out the costs of staging an exhibition at a local library, the Highgate Literary and Scientific Society, or  Lauderdale House? (you'll get a set of nasty shocks if you do). Are you aware the the locally much-loved Step takes 50% of the price of anything sold from exhibition there? (that was the figure quoted to me when I enquired shortly after they opened).


Connecting the communities of Bowes Park and Bounds Green in north London.

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